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[英]How to show the flow termination in Sequence Diagram

Basically, I'd like to depict the below logic in a Sequence Diagram:基本上,我想在序列图中描述以下逻辑:

if (ShopIsOpen) {
  if (AccessTokenIsExpired) {
    if (RefreshTokenInExpired) {
      return "Not Authorized";
    return Resource.RequestResourceByAccessToken();
} else {
  return "Shop is closed";

I've come up with the below diagram, but I am not sure if it is correct.我想出了下图,但我不确定它是否正确。 Mainly, I am not sure if break in the diagram correctly communicates the intention of termination of flow: does it imply jumping out of the outer opt or the outer alt ?主要是,我不确定图中的break是否正确传达了终止流程的意图:它是否意味着跳出外部opt或外部alt

Any help is much appreciated.任何帮助深表感谢。


The break fragment leaves the immediately enclosing fragment. break fragment离开直接封闭的片段。 In your case that would be the opt fragment .在您的情况下,这将是opt fragment So, it is not correct.所以,这是不正确的。 Why don't you use nested alt fragments ?为什么不使用嵌套的alt fragments

Some additional remarks: The reply to a synchronous message is shown with a dashed line and the returned value is shown with a leading colon (and the name of the original message, but I think it is obvious here anyway).一些补充说明:对同步消息的回复以虚线显示,返回值以前导冒号显示(以及原始消息的名称,但我认为无论如何在这里很明显)。

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