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在 AWS QuickSight 中使用多列创建类别

[英]Create a category using multiple columns in AWS QuickSight

I'm using AWS QuickSight for analytics.我正在使用 AWS QuickSight 进行分析。 I have two columns in my CSV file that shows a doctor's specialty.我的 CSV 文件中有两列显示医生的专业。 Specialty1 and Specialty2.专业 1 和专业 2。 Now I want to show Specialty1 and Specialty2 on the x-axis.现在我想在 x 轴上显示 Specialty1 和 Specialty2。 How Can I achieve it?我怎样才能实现它?

Use case example: I want to know how many doctor have a specific Specialty.用例示例:我想知道有多少医生具有特定专业。 It could be their first specialty or their second.这可能是他们的第一专长或第二专长。

30 May 2022 2022 年 5 月 30 日

Here is AWS support answer to this issue:以下是 AWS 支持部门对此问题的回答:

Currently in QuickSight you can insert two fields in to the x axis, however this converts the visual into a hierarchy format where only one field is represented in the visual at a time.目前在 QuickSight 中,您可以将两个字段插入到 x 轴中,但这会将视觉对象转换为层次结构格式,其中一次仅在视觉对象中表示一个字段。 I'm sorry QuickSight doesn't currently behave in the way you are expecting.很抱歉,QuickSight 目前没有按照您预期的方式运行。 However I can see how this functionality could be useful.但是我可以看到这个功能是如何有用的。 Therefore I have created a feature request on your behalf to enable a feature to allow for multiple fields to be used in the x-axis's in a bar chart to be used simultaneously in a single visual.因此,我代表您创建了一个功能请求,以启用一项功能,允许在条形图中的 x 轴中使用多个字段,以便在单个视觉对象中同时使用。 However, due to the varying workloads and priorities of the team, I can't say when or if this functionality will be made available.但是,由于团队的工作量和优先级各不相同,我不能说何时或是否可以使用此功能。 To keep abreast with all the latest developments in QuickSight though, you can keep an eye on the following links, as this is where any new features will be announced: - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/quicksight/latest/user/WhatsNew.html - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/?awsf.blog-master-analytics-products=category-analytics%23amazon-quicksight不过,要了解 QuickSight 的所有最新发展,您可以关注以下链接,因为任何新功能都将在这里发布:- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/en_us/quicksight/最新/用户/WhatsNew.html - https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/?awsf.blog-master-analytics-products=category-analytics%23amazon-quicksight

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