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Drools KieContainer 不会使用自定义类加载器触发规则

[英]Drools KieContainer does not fire rules with custom classloader

I am trying to add a non-existing method to a Java bean, compile it and use the newly added method in Drools rules.我正在尝试向 Java bean 添加一个不存在的方法,对其进行编译并使用 Drools 规则中新添加的方法。 Via a custom class loader.通过自定义类加载器。

I am using CompilerUtils to bind newly modified class to the custom ClassLoader as follows:我正在使用CompilerUtils将新修改的类绑定到自定义ClassLoader ,如下所示:

        ClassLoader loader = new ClassLoader(){};

        String className = "com.example.Transaction";

        String path = "file:D:/workspace/Transaction.class.tmp"; // a tmp file that contains source for Java bean

        try {

            URL transactionUrl = new URL(path);

            URLConnection connection = transactionUrl.openConnection();

            InputStream input = connection.getInputStream();

            String transactionClass = new String(StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(input), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);


            String javaCode = "\npublic int test() {\n" +
                    "        return 3;\n" +
                    "    }\n" +

            String updatedClassString = transactionClass.substring(0, transactionClass.length() - 1).concat(javaCode);

            Class<?> classB = CompilerUtils.CACHED_COMPILER.loadFromJava(loader, className, updatedClassString); // This is where the loader is made aware of the newly compiled class
            return loader;

        } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException exception) {

        return null;

And this is where I give access to drools my classloader这就是我允许我的类加载器访问流口水的地方

        final KieServices kServices = KieServices.Factory.get();
        final KieFileSystem kFileSystem = kServices.newKieFileSystem();

        final KieModuleModel kModuleModel = KieRulePopulator.kieModuleModel();
        if (kModuleModel != null) kFileSystem.writeKModuleXML(kModuleModel.toXML());

                .newKieBuilder(kFileSystem, classLoader)

        KieContainer container = kServices.newKieContainer(kServices
                .getDefaultReleaseId(), classLoader);

This is how I fire rules这就是我触发规则的方式

       final KieBaseConfiguration configuration = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieBaseConfiguration();

       final KieSession kSession = container

Transaction someTransaction = new Transaction();


And this is my rule这是我的规则

    rule "Rule_31F6DE769554404B89D4E3B7B5979CA1"
    dialect "java"
    no-loop true
        tr : Transaction( test == 3 )


I have load Transaction class from containers classloader and it worked.我从容器类加载器加载事务类并且它工作。

final KieSession kSession = container

Class<?> classA = container.getKieContainer().getClassLoader().loadClass("com.example.Transaction");

Object transaction = classA.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();


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