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覆盖 Ember 4 适配器中的计算属性

[英]Override computed property in Ember 4 adapter

In the "new" class style of Ember / JavaScript (at least new to me), I am having trouble adapting old tutorials to set a computed property in my JSONAPIAdapter .在 Ember / JavaScript 的“新”类样式中(至少对我来说是新的),我无法适应旧教程以在我的JSONAPIAdapter中设置计算属性。

export default class ApplicationAdapter extends JSONAPIAdapter {
  @service session;

  headers: computed('session.isAuthenticated', 'session.data.authenticated.token', function() {
    if (this.session.isAuthenticated) {
      return {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${ this.session.data.authenticated.token }`,

Results in结果是

$TMPDIR/embroider/b3d2a6/adapters/application.js/application.js: Unexpected token (8:9)

   6 |   @service session;
   7 |
>  8 |   headers: computed('session.isAuthenticated', 'session.data.authenticated.token', function() {

The docs ( https://api.emberjs.com/ember-data/4.3/classes/JSONAPIAdapter/properties/headers?anchor=headers ) imply that this should work, but I think the @service session line is messing things up.文档( https://api.emberjs.com/ember-data/4.3/classes/JSONAPIAdapter/properties/headers?anchor=headers )暗示这应该有效,但我认为@service session行把事情搞砸了。

What is the correct way to set the headers property an Ember 4 class in 2022?在 2022 年将headers属性设置为 Ember 4 类的正确方法是什么?

Not sure exactly what error you're seeing, but you should be able to replace this with a getter不确定您到底看到了什么错误,但您应该可以用getter替换它

get headers() {
  if (this.session.isAuthenticated) {
    return {
      Authorization: `Bearer ${ this.session.data.authenticated.token }

You can see a working example in our addapter您可以在我们的 addapter中看到一个工作示例

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