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如何避免使用 selenium python 在网站上检测机器人

[英]how to avoid bot detection on websites using selenium python

We are trying to automate process using selenium python for a website but as we proceed with the process the bot gets detected every time and a captcha comes up.我们正在尝试使用 selenium python 为网站自动化流程,但随着我们继续进行该流程,每次都会检测到机器人并出现验证码。 Even though a human solve that captcha the website does not allow to move forward and continuously keeps detecting the bot and again and again shows the captcha to solve.即使人工解决了验证码,网站也不允许继续前进并不断检测机器人,并一次又一次地显示要解决的验证码。 So far we have tried all methods whichever we have explored to overcome it but none of method worked.到目前为止,我们已经尝试了所有我们探索过的方法来克服它,但没有一种方法奏效。 Can someone help on this issue ?有人可以帮助解决这个问题吗?

Some of the methods tried:尝试的一些方法:

1.) using spoofing user agents 1.) 使用欺骗用户代理

2.) using proxies 2.) 使用代理

3.) turn-off useAutomationExtension 3.) 关闭 useAutomationExtension

4.) changing the property value of navigator for web driver to undefined 4.) 将 web driver 的 navigator 的属性值更改为 undefined

5.) disable-blink-features 5.) 禁用闪烁功能

6.) exclude the collection of enable-automation switches 6.) 排除启用自动化开关的集合

There is something called "Undetected ChromeDriver" you can check out!您可以查看名为“未检测到的 ChromeDriver”的内容!

Optimized Selenium Chromedriver patch which does not trigger anti-bot services like Distill Network / Imperva / DataDome / Botprotect.io Automatically downloads the driver binary and patches it.优化的 Selenium Chromedriver 补丁,不会触发 Distill Network / Imperva / DataDome / Botprotect.io 等反僵尸服务自动下载驱动程序二进制文件并对其进行修补。

here is the link 链接在这里

Here is another useful website you can check out, this website shows if a site will detect you using selenium or not or anything like that:这是另一个您可以查看的有用网站,该网站显示网站是否会检测到您是否使用硒或类似的东西:


Also for future reference on Stack Overflow you should steer away from opinion-based questions.另外,为了将来在 Stack Overflow 上参考,您应该避开基于意见的问题。 Read this to learn more about asking a good question.阅读本文以了解有关提出好问题的更多信息。

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