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我想对 CSS 中的变量执行计算。 有没有办法在没有预处理器或 JavaScript 的情况下做到这一点? [公认]

[英]I want to perform calculation on a variable in CSS. Is there a way to do this WHITHOUT preprocessors or JavaScript? [ACCEPTED]

I want to do something like this.我想做这样的事情。 I want to make use of a single varible for multiple elements that have different values for the same property.我想对同一属性具有不同值的多个元素使用单个变量。

like this vvv喜欢这个vvv

:root {
  --brd_rad: 2rem;

#something {
  border-radius: var(--brd_rad);

#other-thing {
  border-radius: calc(var(--brd_rad) + 1);  /*obviously this doesn't work */

You need a unit in the value you're adding in the calc .您在calc中添加的值需要一个单位。 Is it meant to be 1px or 1rem or 1% ?它的意思是1px1rem还是1%

 :root { --brd_rad: 2rem; } #something { border-radius: var(--brd_rad); border:1px solid blue; height:100px; } #other-thing { border:1px solid red; height:100px; border-radius: calc(var(--brd_rad) + 1rem); }
 <div id="other-thing"></div> <div id="something"></div>


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