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有没有办法在没有变化的情况下导出 WooCommerce 产品?

[英]Is there a way to export WooCommerce products without the variations?

I am migrating an e-commerce store from Shopify to WooCommerce and I don't want to lose my product reviews.我正在将电子商务商店从 Shopify 迁移到 WooCommerce,我不想丢失我的产品评论。

I've been asked by Stamped to produce a list of all the Shopify product IDs lined up next to their matching WooCommerce IDs. Stamped 要求我生成所有 Shopify 产品 ID 的列表,这些产品 ID 排列在其匹配的 WooCommerce ID 旁边。

The issue I'm having is when I export WooCommerce products it features all the variations as well.我遇到的问题是,当我导出 WooCommerce 产品时,它也具有所有变体。

I'm trying to find a way to export just the parent product and products without variation so I can get this overall task done.我正在尝试找到一种方法来仅导出父产品和没有变化的产品,这样我就可以完成这项总体任务。

All I can find is ways to export with variations.我能找到的只是用变体导出的方法。

Anyone found a way to deal with this?有人找到解决此问题的方法吗?


On the "Export Products" page in woo, the second field down lets you select which type(s) of products you export.在 woo 的“出口产品”页面上,向下的第二个字段可让您选择要出口的产品类型。 In your case, you'll want the option for "Variable Product".在您的情况下,您需要“变量产品”选项。 "Product Variations" includes only the 'child products', allowing you to export only the variations. “产品变体”仅包括“子产品”,允许您仅导出变体。

The first field will let you narrow down the columns exported as well, which can speed up the export if you've got tons of variable-type products.第一个字段也可以让您缩小导出的列,如果您有大量可变类型的产品,这可以加快导出速度。

So, if you were to select "ID", "Type", and "Name" for columns and select "Variable Product" then your export will have the product name (or whatever identifying attribute you need) along with the ID to match up with your Shopify ID.因此,如果您要为列选择“ID”、“类型”和“名称”并选择“变量产品”,那么您的导出将具有产品名称(或您需要的任何标识属性)以及要匹配的 ID使用您的 Shopify ID。

If when you first imported your products you included the Shopify ID as a custom meta field in woo.如果您在首次导入产品时将 Shopify ID 作为自定义元字段包含在 woo.xml 中。 That could really make your task easy!这真的可以让你的任务变得简单! Good luck!祝你好运!

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