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PIC24FJ256GB412 中的 SPI 出现问题

[英]Havig trouble with SPI in PIC24FJ256GB412

I am trying to configure a PIC24FJ256GB412 to use the SPI interface with an ADC module(ADS114S08).我正在尝试将 PIC24FJ256GB412 配置为将 SPI 接口与 ADC 模块 (ADS114S08) 一起使用。 And now, I can view data by oscilloscope(by measuring the SDI pin).现在,我可以通过示波器查看数据(通过测量 SDI 引脚)。 But the SPI1BUFL didn't receive correct data(always received 0x01).但是 SPI1BUFL 没有收到正确的数据(总是收到 0x01)。 Below is the relevant code that I am using to configure the SPI.下面是我用来配置 SPI 的相关代码。

uint8_t    DATA_S[1000]; // SPI data buffer for Receiving
uint8_t    DATA1;        // SPI data buffer for Receiving
uint16_t   DATA_counter=0;

void System_Initial(void)
    //Setup IO
    TRISDbits.TRISD0  = 0; //SCLK
    TRISDbits.TRISD5  = 0; //ADC RESET
    TRISDbits.TRISD10 = 0; //ADC START
    TRISDbits.TRISD11 = 1; //ADC DRDY
    TRISFbits.TRISF3  = 1; //SDI
    TRISFbits.TRISF4  = 0; //SDO

    ANSELDbits.ANSELD0  = 0; //Digital pins
    ANSELDbits.ANSELD5  = 0;
    ANSELDbits.ANSELD10 = 0;
    ANSELDbits.ANSELD11 = 0;
    ANSELFbits.ANSELF3  = 0;
    ANSELFbits.ANSELF4  = 0;
    //Setup SPI
    //MCU operates in 16MHz, ADC internal clk 4MHz
    SPI1BRGL    = 1;      //Baud rate = 4MHz
    SPI1CON1L   = 0x8020; //8bit mode //SCLK enable //Master Mode
    SPI1CON1H   = 0x2000; //AUDEN=0
    SPI1CON2L   = 0x0007; //8bit data

    //Setup PPS    
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON & 0xBF);
    _RP11R  = _RPOUT_SCK1OUT; // RP11 -> SCK1.
    RPINR20bits.SDI1R = 16;   // RP16 -> SDI1.
    _RP10R  = _RPOUT_SDO1;    // RP10 -> SDO1.
    __builtin_write_OSCCONL(OSCCON | 0x40);

//SPI1 - Set ADS114S08
void SPI1_SetADC()
    //set PGA
    //Input MUX Register, address = 02h
    //Gain setting Register, address = 03h
    SPI1BUFL = 0x42; //WREG at 02h
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x01; //Two bytes
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x01; //02h //AINP = AIN0, AINN = AIN1
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x0B; //03h //PGA enabled, Gain = 011 =8
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    //set Mode
    //Data Rate Register, address = 04h
    //Reference Control Register, address = 05h
    SPI1BUFL = 0x44; //WREG at 04h
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x01; //Two bytes
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x14; //04h //Continuous conversion mode //0100 : 20 SPS
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x30; //05h
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    //set Excitation Current Sources
    //Excitation Current Register1(IDACMAG), address = 06h
    //Excitation Current Register2(IDACMUX), address = 07h
    SPI1BUFL = 0x46; //WREG at 06h
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x01; //Two bytes
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x05; //06h //IDAC = 0101 = 500uA
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0xF0; //07h //use IDAC1 => AIN0
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);

void SPI1_RREG()
    SPI1BUFL = 0x20; //send RREG Command //read 00h
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);
    SPI1BUFL = 0x00; //1 byte
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1);

    SPI1BUFL = 0x0000; //send DUMMY data
    while( SPI1STATLbits.SPIBUSY==1); //Wait Data
    uint8_t register1=  SPI1BUFL; //get data
    DATA1  = register1;
    DATA_S[DATA_counter%1000] = register1;

int main(void)

    LATDbits.LATD10 = 0; //ADC START=0
    LATDbits.LATD5 = 0;  //ADC RESET=0 //Enter RESET Status
    uint32_t loop = 0;
    loop = 4*4;         //MCU 16Mhz, ADC internal clk 4Mhz
    while (loop--);     //wait 4clk => ADS114S08 tw(RSL)
    LATDbits.LATD5 = 1; //ADC RESET low -> high //Enter Standby Mode
    while (loop--);     //wait 4096clk => ADS114S08 td(RSSC)
    SPI1_SetADC();      //set ADC Configuration
    LATDbits.LATD10 = 1; //START high -> Start Conversion

    //main while

bold italic斜体

As mentioned above, I can see data on SDI pin by oscilloscope.如上所述,我可以通过示波器看到 SDI 引脚上的数据。 enter image description here And another data test.在此处输入图像描述和另一个数据测试。 enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

By the waveform that we can see on the oscilloscope.通过我们可以在示波器上看到的波形。 The ADC module probably works the right way. ADC 模块可能以正确的方式工作。

But... Let's see the MPLAB IDE side.但是...让我们看看 MPLAB IDE 方面。 enter image description here I can't get the right data(SPI1BUF = 0x0001).在此处输入图像描述我无法获得正确的数据(SPI1BUF = 0x0001)。 I have tried changing baudrate lower.我试过把波特率改低。 But the result is no different.但结果并没有什么不同。 Is there a parameter I'm missing?有没有我缺少的参数? Thanks for your help.谢谢你的帮助。

------------------------------------------0530----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------0530-------- --------------------------------------

Hi Craig, I have tried the code.嗨,克雷格,我已经尝试过代码。

SPI1BUFL = 0x20; //send RREG Command //read 00h
while(SPI1STATLbits.SPITBF); // wait until the transmit buffer is empty

SPI1BUFL = 0x00; //set 1 byte
while(SPI1STATLbits.SPITBF); // wait until the transmit buffer is empty

uint8_t register1=0;
SPI1BUFL = 0x00; //send DUMMY data
while(!SPI1STATLbits.SPIRBF); //hang until data is received
register1 =  SPI1BUFL; //get data

The results were no difference.结果没有区别。 And I recorded it.我记录下来了。

Oscilloscope: enter image description here示波器:在此处输入图像描述

IDE: enter image description here IDE:在此处输入图像描述
enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

The SPI should clear SPI1BUFL every time as you transmit data.每次传输数据时,SPI 都应清除 SPI1BUFL。 So I try the code like this.所以我尝试这样的代码。

    uint8_t SPI_EXCH(uint8_t data)
       SPI1BUFL = data; // write to buffer for TX
       while(!SPI1STATLbits.SPIRBF); // wait for transfer to complete
       return SPI1BUFL; // read the received value

And every time you try to do an SPI exchange, use the function above.并且每次尝试进行 SPI 交换时,请使用上面的函数。

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