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[英]Packet Corruption: Why sometimes ffmpeg .bat batch video editing makes my computer unstable unable to restart?

I'm doing very time consuming ffmpeg video editing.我正在做非常耗时的 ffmpeg 视频编辑。 That's why I put my commands into a .bat batch file and run them over night.这就是为什么我将我的命令放入一个.bat批处理文件并整夜运行它们的原因。 Usually that works fine, but from time to time when I look the next moring I see an error message of this kind:通常这很好用,但有时当我第二天早上看时,我会看到这样的错误信息:


From that state on, I didn't find any good way to close the console.从那个state开始,我没有找到关闭控制台的好方法。 When I press the [x] button in the top right corner, it freezes.当我按下右上角的[x]按钮时,它会冻结。 When I try to kill the application using the task manager nothing happens.当我尝试使用任务管理器终止应用程序时,没有任何反应。 Even explorer.exe cannot be closed using the task manager.甚至 explorer.exe 也无法使用任务管理器关闭。 A shutdown won't do anything.关机不会做任何事情。 During the last month I had this problem about three times and the only way I could close it was to long press the power button of the computer until it was turned off "the bad way".在过去的一个月里,我遇到了大约 3 次这个问题,我唯一能关闭它的方法是长按电脑的电源按钮,直到它以“糟糕的方式”关闭。

Any ideas what to in such situations?在这种情况下有什么想法吗?
Or even better: How to prevent those situations?甚至更好:如何防止这些情况发生? What can the reason(s) be for the error?错误的原因是什么? Do you understand the message?你明白信息吗?

When the computer is started again the next morining and I run the same .bat file again everything works fine.当计算机在下一个早晨再次启动时,我再次运行相同的.bat文件,一切正常。 So the same error does not repeat and the video is edited nicely!所以同样的错误不会重复,视频编辑得很好!

Edit: Now, about one week after posting this question the problem occurred many more times.编辑:现在,在发布此问题后大约一周,问题又发生了很多次。 It is very annoying.这很烦人。 I guess it has to do with the external hard drive connected by USB. Sometimes it randomly interrupts the connection, That might be the reason for the behavior.我猜这与通过 USB 连接的外部硬盘驱动器有关。有时它会随机中断连接,这可能是该行为的原因。 Whatever its causing the error.无论它导致错误。 I want to learn a solution how to deal with this in future.我想学习一个解决方案如何在未来处理这个问题。 I don't want to always push the reset button of my computer.我不想总是按下电脑的重置按钮。 I want a proper way to be able to shut it down.我想要一个正确的方法来关闭它。

To narrow down the cause, what is causing this error, and what is not, here is a list of seven seven seemingly isolated solutions that each alone or all together should fix your problem:为了缩小原因范围,找出是什么导致了这个错误,什么不是,这里列出了七个看似独立的解决方案,每个单独或一起应该可以解决您的问题:

  1. The.bat Batch File .bat 批处理文件
    Apparently there is nothing wrong with your coded.bat batch files.显然您的 coded.bat 批处理文件没有任何问题。 If that was the case, then none of your past videos would have rendered.如果真是这样,那么您过去的所有视频都不会呈现。 But just to be sure, try to run your.bat in a different laptop or computer on the heaviest and most demanding video editing project files just to make sure that the.bat files in fact and without a doubt flawless.但可以肯定的是,请尝试在另一台笔记本电脑或计算机上运行最繁重、要求最高的视频编辑项目文件上的 .bat 文件,以确保 .bat 文件实际上毫无疑问是完美无缺的。

  1. The Computer CPU电脑中央处理器
    Make sure that your CPU runs flawlessly not just for 30 minutes but for the hours long burn tests that are the video projects at night you mention.确保您的 CPU 不仅可以完美运行 30 分钟,而且可以完美运行数小时的长时间燃烧测试,即您提到的夜间视频项目。 Poor contact between a concave or convex heatsink and cpu or lack of or too much of thermal paste can make cpu too hot and unstable during prolonged cpu intensive burn tests.凹形或凸形散热器与 cpu 之间的接触不良或缺少或过多的导热膏可能会使 cpu 在长时间的 cpu 密集燃烧测试中过热和不稳定。 A software like OCCT or Intel Burn Test should be able to run for hours in your case without a single fault.OCCTIntel Burn Test这样的软件应该能够在您的情况下运行数小时而不会出现任何故障。

  1. The Computer RAM计算机内存
    To test your memory you can use MemTest86 or my favourite the open source MemTest86+ which should run for hours without a single memory error.要测试您的 memory,您可以使用MemTest86或我最喜欢的开源MemTest86+ ,它应该运行数小时而不会出现一个 memory 错误。

  1. The OS Integrity操作系统完整性
    Run CMD as admin, and type chkdsk c: /f or chkdsk c: /f /r /x and press Y to check and repair (after a reboot) the local hard drive c: or any other partitions that are the source or destination of your rendering projects.以管理员身份运行 CMD,然后键入chkdsk c: /fchkdsk c: /f /r /x并按 Y 检查并修复(重启后)本地硬盘驱动器 c: 或作为源或目标的任何其他分区您的渲染项目。 When your computer encounters a sudden shutdown or detects a corrupted file system, sometimes this is the cause of a corrupted OS file.当您的计算机遇到突然关机或检测到损坏的文件系统时,有时这是操作系统文件损坏的原因。 This checks for the integrity of the most important system files.这会检查最重要的系统文件的完整性。 Also sfc /scannow is another way to check System Files which scans and repairs system files.另外sfc /scannow是另一种检查系统文件的方法,它可以扫描和修复系统文件。

  1. The Harddrive硬盘
    Connect your external drive locally, and run both a short and deep long test to make sure the harddrive has zero cluster faults.在本地连接您的外部驱动器,并运行短期和深度长期测试,以确保硬盘驱动器的集群故障为零。 A SMART test from Crystical Disk Info famout for their Crystal Disk Test , can be a good way to see all the past errors on a Harddrive. Crystal Disk Info的 SMART 测试以其Crystal Disk Test闻名,是查看硬盘驱动器上所有过去错误的好方法。 Also, try to run the nightly batch files on the HDD connected internally.此外,尝试在内部连接的 HDD 上运行夜间批处理文件。 That way you can rule out the next item:这样你就可以排除下一项:

  1. The Cable Quality电缆质量
    Cat rated UTP.networking and USB cables are notoriously known for their poor manufacturing quality and low reliability. Cat 额定 UTP.networking 和 USB 电缆因制造质量差和可靠性低而臭名昭著。 Not just over time, but new out of the box they can be the cause of disconnects, bad connections and low throughput.不仅随着时间的推移,而且开箱即用,它们可能是断开连接、连接不良和低吞吐量的原因。 There is not something like they work 100% or they work 0%.没有像他们工作 100% 或他们工作 0% 这样的事情。 Sometimes they sit right in between and "work, but to a degree" enough to be sold, with the absolute bare minimum and sometimes under minimum quality strands that are anything but cupper.有时他们恰好介于两者之间,“工作,但在一定程度上”足以出售,绝对最低限度,有时甚至低于最低质量的股线,除了铜之外什么都不是。 So check your cables, replace the cables with other cables that you have laying around.因此,请检查您的电缆,将电缆更换为您周围铺设的其他电缆。 CCA (Copper Cladded Aluminium) is the garbage to stay away from. CCA(铜包铝)是要远离的垃圾 Get proper Cupper only cables.获得合适的 Cupper only 电缆。

  1. USB to SATA (HDD) or M.2 NVMe (SSD) Adapter Chip USB 到 SATA (HDD) 或 M.2 NVMe (SSD) 适配器芯片
    Some USB-to-SATA adapters are notorious for their low stamina, stopping working when the adapter chips become exhausted in professional usage over prolonged continous workloads, resulting in disconnects even if they would be connected via a cupper USB 3.2 cable to the computer.一些 USB 转 SATA 适配器因耐力低而臭名昭著,当适配器芯片在长时间连续工作负载的专业使用中耗尽时会停止工作,导致断开连接,即使它们通过 cupper USB 3.2 电缆连接到计算机也是如此。 The inte.net is full of forums with people having problems with older generation cheaper JMicron chips causing interruptions causing failures in copying files from or to the PC, Realtek chips are somewhat better. inte.net 上到处都是论坛,人们对老一代更便宜的 JMicron 芯片有问题,导致中断,导致从 PC 复制文件或向 PC 复制文件失败,Realtek 芯片稍微好一些。 but often the solutions on the last page shows all problems went away when they bought an expensive adapter that uses an ASMedia chip.但通常最后一页上的解决方案表明,当他们购买了使用 ASMedia 芯片的昂贵适配器时,所有问题都消失了。

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