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28 天后,Core Web Vitals 评估中的累积布局转换 CLS 未改进/更新

[英]Cumulative Layout Shift CLS not improving / updating in Core Web Vitals Assessment after 28 days

I have a very basic page which contains only text.我有一个非常基本的页面,其中仅包含文本。 The page content has not changed for past few months now and the CLS score in the section "Core Web Vitals Assessment" is:页面内容在过去几个月没有变化,“核心网络生命评估”部分的 CLS 分数为:

For Mobile: 0.29
For Web: 0.16

But the CLS score in the metrics under the section "Diagnose performance issues" is:但是“诊断性能问题”部分的指标中的 CLS 分数是:

For Mobile: 0.001
For Web: 0.036


And Core Web Vitals show past 28 days data collection. Core Web Vitals 显示过去 28 天的数据收集。 "Computed from the Core Web Vitals metrics over the latest 28-day collection period." “根据最近 28 天收集期间的 Core Web Vitals 指标计算得出。”

Despite having a Good CLS score in Metrics "Performance", the Core Web Vitals show Poor score.尽管在 Metrics “Performance” 中的 CLS 得分很高,但 Core Web Vitals 的得分却很差。

What can I do to reflect the change?我能做些什么来反映这种变化?

The top score is based on real user experiences aggregated over 28 days.最高分基于 28 天内汇总的真实用户体验。

The lower score is based on a single lab test emulating a typical user that does not interact with the page.较低的分数基于模拟不与页面交互的典型用户的单个实验室测试。 This means it often does not trigger CLS issues that real users do.这意味着它通常不会触发真实用户所做的 CLS 问题。

Tools like the Web Vitals chrome extension can help you spot layout shifts as you interact with the page. Web Vitals chrome 扩展等工具可以帮助您在与页面交互时发现布局变化。 Or you can add your own Web Vitals tracking code and see what elements cause layout shifts for your real users.或者,您可以添加自己的 Web Vitals 跟踪代码,并查看哪些元素会导致真实用户的布局发生变化。

https://web.dev/vitals-ga4/ https://web.dev/vitals-ga4/

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