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[英]get letter location case sensitive in a specific data

in a db (someName), in a table (worker) in a column (first_name) there is a field (AGenName)在 db (someName) 中,在表 (worker) 中的列 (first_name) 中有一个字段 (AGenName)
I would like to know the location of 'a' in that specific 'AGenName' (case sensitive. 6. not 1)我想知道特定“AGenName”中“a”的位置(区分大小写。6。不是 1)

Saw some general examples with binary, position, strIndex, collate etc,看到了一些带有二进制、位置、strIndex、整理等的一般示例,
but they where all high Level.但是他们那里的所有级别都很高。
I would like to learn how to use them on a -specific- field.我想学习如何在特定领域使用它们。
like, perhaps somewhere in a sentence like -就像,也许在句子中的某个地方,例如-

select first_name from worker where first_name = AGenName

Thnx for the help谢谢帮助

got this from a friend.这是从朋友那里得到的。 Simple and easy: (on her DB firstName = 'Amitabh', so..)简单易行:(在她的 DB 上 firstName = 'Amitabh',所以..)

select instr(binary first_name, binary'a') from worker where firstName = 'Amitabh';

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