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使用 npm 安装 multer 包时出错

[英]Error while installing multer packages using npm

I am getting the following error while installing the multer package using npm.使用 npm 安装 multer package 时出现以下错误。

dicer  *
Severity: high
Crash in HeaderParser in dicer - https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-wm7h-9275-46v2
No fix available
  busboy  <=0.3.1
  Depends on vulnerable versions of dicer
    multer  <=2.0.0-rc.3
    Depends on vulnerable versions of busboy
3 high severity vulnerabilities
Some issues need review, and may require choosing
a different dependency.

This is due to vulnerability in dicer dependency.这是由于 dicer 依赖性的脆弱性。 Multer will still work, right now no fix is available. Multer 仍然可以工作,目前没有可用的修复程序。 Maybe it will be resolved in next update.也许它会在下一次更新中得到解决。 Check this GitHub reviewed vulnerability检查这个 GitHub 审查的漏洞

I am a novice and this is not advice on what you should do - I'm just relaying what I did and what the outcome was.我是新手,这不是关于你应该做什么的建议——我只是在传达我做了什么以及结果是什么。

This is a duplicate of my post on the same issue, on GitHub这是我在GitHub上关于同一问题的帖子的副本

After deploying my Vuejs3 app a week ago to Firebase, I was prompted to upgrade to the newest version of Firebase Tools (11.0.1) via npm.一周前将我的 Vuejs3 应用程序部署到 Firebase 后,系统提示我通过 npm 升级到最新版本的 Firebase 工具 (11.0.1)。 After doing this, I began experiencing the problem detailed in my comment on GitHub .完成此操作后,我开始遇到我在 GitHub 上的评论中详述的问题。

Having no other solutions on the table, I decided to uninstall firebase tools ( npm uninstall -g firebase-tools ) and then reinstall the previous version ( npm install -g firebase-tools@10.9.2 ).由于没有其他解决方案,我决定卸载 firebase 工具 ( npm uninstall -g firebase-tools ),然后重新安装以前的版本 ( npm install -g firebase-tools@10.9.2 )。

BUT , after first time I did this, I ran npm audit fix (not npm audit fix --force ) and all I got a ton of high severity warnings and problems.但是,在我第一次这样做之后,我运行了npm audit fix (不是npm audit fix --force )并且我得到了大量的高严重性警告和问题。

So I decided to once again uninstall firebase tools ( npm uninstall -g firebase-tools ) and then reinstall the previous version ( npm install -g firebase-tools@10.9.2 ) and that's it (did NOT run npm audit fix ).所以我决定再次卸载 firebase 工具( npm uninstall -g firebase-tools ),然后重新安装以前的版本( npm install -g firebase-tools@10.9.2 ),就是这样(没有运行npm audit fix )。

I proceeded to npm run build and firebase deploy --only hosting and it worked just fine.我继续npm run buildfirebase deploy --only hosting ,它工作得很好。 Definitely NOT a great or long-term solution.绝对不是一个好的或长期的解决方案。 Good luck!祝你好运!

you can update multer to 1.4.5 as the latest version with npm i multer@latest that uses您可以使用npm i multer@latestmulter更新到 1.4.5 作为最新版本

busboy@1.0.0 busboy@1.0.0

without any vulnerabilities.没有任何漏洞。

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