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REST API 无前端注册新用户的设计模式

[英]REST API design pattern to register new users without frontend

I am building a REST API with some CRUD resources (in laravel, if that matters).我正在构建一个带有一些 CRUD 资源的 REST API(在 laravel 中,如果重要的话)。 Now I came to the point where I need to add authentication to my application.现在我到了需要向我的应用程序添加身份验证的地步。 I personally would like to avoid building a whole user interface (as webpage, etc), but rather stick to a REST API that you can use with curl for example.我个人希望避免构建一个完整的用户界面(如网页等),而是坚持使用 REST API,例如可以与 curl 一起使用。

But how would you design such a pattern?但是你会如何设计这样的模式呢? Should users register through the rest api, should I manually create new users?用户应该通过rest api注册,我应该手动创建新用户吗? My system won't have much users, it is just a developer access where I want to give different companies access to the data.我的系统不会有太多用户,它只是一个开发人员访问权限,我想让不同的公司访问数据。

A login/session for REST does not make sense to me, it would also make the API more complicated, especially without frontend. REST 的登录/会话对我来说没有意义,它也会使 API 更复杂,尤其是没有前端。 Isn't there a common solution/pattern for that, that people already use?难道没有一个人们已经在使用的通用解决方案/模式吗?

So questions I am thinking about:所以我在想的问题:

  1. Should people use something like /register or should I create users via cmd myself?人们应该使用/register之类的东西,还是我应该自己通过 cmd 创建用户?
  2. How do I avoid that strangers could register?如何避免陌生人注册? Or how would I handle giving out/upgrading permissions for specific users?或者我将如何处理特定用户的授予/升级权限?
  3. Should I really create new users or only have a single user (me/admin) that gives out tokens with specific capabilities?我真的应该创建新用户还是只有一个用户(我/管理员)可以提供具有特定功能的令牌?
  4. How to I manage roles/rights?如何管理角色/权限? On a token basis, on a user basis or both?以令牌为基础,以用户为基础,还是两者兼而有之?
  5. How do I transmit the token safely to the new user?如何将令牌安全地传输给新用户? I'd like to avoid having complex email handling as well in my application.我想避免在我的应用程序中也进行复杂的 email 处理。

1. Should people use something like /register or should I create users via cmd myself? 1. 人们应该使用 /register 之类的东西,还是我应该自己通过 cmd 创建用户?
2. How do I avoid that strangers could register? 2.如何避免陌生人注册? Or how would I handle giving out/upgrading permissions for specific users?或者我将如何处理特定用户的授予/升级权限?
5. How do I transmit the token safely to the new user? 5. 如何将令牌安全地传输给新用户? I'd like to avoid having complex email handling as well in my application.我想避免在我的应用程序中也进行复杂的 email 处理。


My system won't have much users我的系统不会有太多用户

and your question (2), it should be easy for you to manually manage registration - that is, whoever needs access to the APIs contacts you manually, and you update your user DB manually, and manually send them their access token.和你的问题(2),你应该很容易手动管理注册 - 也就是说,任何需要访问 API 的人都会手动联系你,你手动更新你的用户数据库,并手动向他们发送他们的访问令牌。

Usually API-based registration requires some access (in case the APIs are not public), and usually some proof that you're a human (eg CAPTCHA).通常基于 API 的注册需要一些访问权限(如果 API 不是公开的),并且通常需要一些证明您是人类的证据(例如 CAPTCHA)。 Manual interaction with you provides both.与您的手动交互提供了两者。

3. Should I really create new users or only have a single user (me/admin) that gives out tokens with specific capabilities? 3. 我真的应该创建新用户还是只有一个用户(我/管理员)可以提供具有特定功能的令牌?

It's a really bad practice to have multiple people/agents use the same user.让多个人/代理使用同一个用户是一种非常糟糕的做法。 For security, auditability, and possibly some features that you might not be anticipating at the moment, you should allocate a user for each agent/person using your APIs.对于安全性、可审计性以及您目前可能没有预料到的某些功能,您应该为使用 API 的每个代理/人员分配一个用户。

4. How to I manage roles/rights? 4. 如何管理角色/权限? On a token basis, on a user basis or both?以令牌为基础,以用户为基础,还是两者兼而有之?

It sounds like your case is simple enough to keep things simple and manage authorization based on users.听起来您的案例很简单,可以使事情变得简单并根据用户管理授权。

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