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用于从字符串中提取具有值的相似关键字的 Python 代码

[英]Python code to extract similar key-word with value from a string

String of the command output obtained is as below....得到的命令输出字符串如下......

Key_word = {"Devices on the system.
           Device description: device-1
           Device status: Healthy
           Handle: 0xFF00

           Device description: device-2
           Device status: Healthy
           Handle: 0xC00A
           Device description: device-3
           Device status: Healthy
           Handle: 0xDD00"}

Required Output : I want Python code to extract a list like this所需输出:我希望 Python 代码提取这样的列表

{'Handle: 0xFF00', Handle: 0xC00A', Handle: 0xDD00}

Below code lists the required output.....下面的代码列出了所需的输出.....

import re
key =  'Handle: 0x[0-9a-fA-F]+'
final_list = []
final_list = re.findall(key, str(input_string))

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