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在 R 中调用 ggMarginal 后正确调整多个 ggExtraPlot 对象的大小

[英]Properly size multiple ggExtraPlot objects after calling ggMarginal in R

I want to create a facet-like effect with ggExtra::ggMarginal plots.我想用ggExtra::ggMarginal图创建一个类似刻面的效果。 This is not yet directly possible , so I tried to use patchwork::wrap_plots , cowplot::plot_grid , and egg::ggarrange to do it myself.这还不能直接实现,所以我尝试使用patchwork::wrap_plotscowplot::plot_gridegg::ggarrange自己做。 I have everything properly developed—except for the plot sizing.我把所有东西都做好了——除了情节大小。 patchwork and egg make the panels of ggplot objects the same size, but this behavior does not apply to the ggExtraPlot objects that ggMarginal creates. patchworkegg使ggplot对象的面板大小相同,但此行为不适用于ggMarginal创建的ggExtraPlot对象。

For example, consider the following patchwork of ggplot s (code below):例如,考虑以下ggplotpatchwork (代码如下): 四个 ggplots 大小正确

But once I add the marginal densities, the arrangement looks like this:但是一旦我添加了边际密度,排列看起来像这样: 四个 ggplots 大小不正确

As you can see, the panels of each plot are no longer equally sized;如您所见,每个地块的面板大小不再相等; rather, the entire objects are.相反,整个对象都是。 I want the panel sizes of each ggplot in the second plot to be the same, as in the first plot.我希望第二个图中每个ggplot的面板大小与第一个图中相同。

Attempted solutions:尝试的解决方案:

  • I tried to determine the width and height of the axes relative to the panel, because then I could use the widths and heights arguments in wrap_plot to set proper relative sizes of the ggMarginal -ized objects;我试图确定轴相对于面板的宽度和高度,因为这样我就可以使用wrap_plot中的widthsheights参数来设置ggMarginal化对象的适当相对大小; unfortunately, I spent many hours unsuccessfully digging through the ggplotGrob output.不幸的是,我花了很多时间来挖掘ggplotGrob输出,但没有成功。 For instance, I used grid::convertWidth(sum(ggplotGrob(p1)$widths), "in", TRUE) and grid::convertWidth(sum(ggplotGrob(p2)$widths), "in", TRUE) to attempt to calculate the widths of the plots in inches ( p1 has a y-axis, p2 doesn't), but the results were vastly different: 0.87 and 0.19.例如,我使用grid::convertWidth(sum(ggplotGrob(p1)$widths), "in", TRUE)grid::convertWidth(sum(ggplotGrob(p2)$widths), "in", TRUE)来尝试以英寸为单位计算图的宽度( p1有 y 轴, p2没有),但结果大不相同:0.87 和 0.19。 It didn't make sense to me that simply removing the axis title, text, and ticks would so heavily decrease the width.对我来说,简单地删除轴标题、文本和刻度会大大减少宽度,这对我来说没有意义。 Certainly setting the relative widths at around 4.5 and 1 wouldn't generate the proper patchwork plot!当然,将相对宽度设置为 4.5 和 1 左右不会生成正确的patchwork图!
  • I tried to use patchwork::get_dim and patchwork::set_dim to manually set the area for each subplot (using patchwork::area ) but couldn't figure it out.我尝试使用patchwork::get_dimpatchwork::set_dim手动设置每个子图的区域(使用patchwork::area )但无法弄清楚。
  • I also tried to create the patchwork first and then apply ggMarginal to each plot in the patchwork, but this didn't work.我还尝试先创建拼凑,然后将ggMarginal应用于拼凑中的每个情节,但这不起作用。

I would appreciate advice on guaranteeing equal panel sizes for the four plots, ideally without relying on the actual size (ie, in pixels) of the components.我会很感激关于保证四个图的面板大小相等的建议,理想情况下不依赖于组件的实际大小(即,以像素为单位)。 It would be awesome to see ggMarginal allow faceting and to see patchwork extend beyond simple ggplot objects!看到ggMarginal允许刻面并看到patchwork超出简单的ggplot对象,这将是很棒的!

b <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = disp, y = mpg)) +
  geom_point() +
  labs(x = "some\nlines",
       y = "many\nnew\nlines")

p1 <-  b +
  theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank())
p1m <- ggExtra::ggMarginal(p1, margins = "y")

p2 <- b +
  theme(axis.title = element_blank(),
        axis.text = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks = element_blank())
p2m <- ggExtra::ggMarginal(p2, margins = "y")

p3 <- b
p3m <- ggExtra::ggMarginal(p3, margins = "y")

p4 <- b +
  theme(axis.title.y = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_blank(),
        axis.ticks.y = element_blank())
p4m <- ggExtra::ggMarginal(p4, margins = "y")

patchwork::wrap_plots(p1, p2, p3, p4, nrow = 2)      # this looks great!
patchwork::wrap_plots(p1m, p2m, p3m, p4m, nrow = 2)  # this doesn't :(

Instead of relying on ggMarginal one option would be to manually create your density plots and glue both your main and the density plots together using patchwork :而不是依赖ggMarginal一种选择是手动创建密度图并使用patchwork将主图和密度图粘合在一起:


dp <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(y = mpg)) +
  geom_density() +

list(p1, dp, p2, dp, p3, dp, p4, dp) |> 
  wrap_plots(nrow = 2, widths = c(5, 1, 5, 1))

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