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如何在 UiPath 中使用 VB.net 或 VBA 读取 Excel 工作表数据

[英]How to read excel sheet data using VB.net or VBA in UiPath

How to read excel sheet data using VB.net.如何使用 VB.net 读取 Excel 工作表数据。 i want to export excel sheet data as Datatable.我想将 Excel 工作表数据导出为 Datatable。

If i use read range activity then i am getting read range error.如果我使用读取范围活动,那么我会收到读取范围错误。 so i want to read excel sheet through vb.net or VBA and i want to return those data as data table.所以我想通过 vb.net 或 VBA 读取 excel 表,我想将这些数据作为数据表返回。

could not read range error getting while i tries with read range activity and i tried read range workbook activity also.在我尝试读取范围活动时无法读取范围错误,我也尝试了读取范围工作簿活动。 it is also not working.它也不起作用。

If you left empty range, activity will get all available range (with data).如果您留下空白范围,活动将获得所有可用范围(带数据)。 If you have spaces in the middle of data (ie, you have 10 rows, then 2 blanks, and 5 rows more) you should set bigger range that your data (ie, "A1:Z999").如果数据中间有空格(即,您有 10 行,然后是 2 个空白,再多 5 行),您应该设置比数据更大的范围(即“A1:Z999”)。

Read range activity already returns a datatable.读取范围活动已返回数据表。

I hope my post helps.我希望我的帖子有帮助。 Regards.问候。

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