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如何在 flow.stateIn() 之后从流中的另一个函数发出发射?

[英]How to make an emit from another function in a flow after flow.stateIn()?

I get page data from a database, I have a repository that returns a flow.我从数据库中获取页面数据,我有一个返回流的存储库。

class RepositoryImpl (private val db: AppDatabase) : Repository {

    override fun fetchData (page: Int) = flow {

In the ViewModel, I call the stateIn(), the first page arrives, but then how to request the second page?在ViewModel中,我调用了stateIn(),第一页到了,那么如何请求第二页呢? By calling fetchData(page = 2) I get a new flow, and I need the data to arrive on the old flow.通过调用 fetchData(page = 2) 我得到一个新流,我需要数据到达旧流。

class ViewModel(private val repository: Repository) : ViewModel() {

    val dataFlow = repository.fetchData(page = 1).stateIn(viewModelScope, WhileSubscribed())

How to get the second page in dataFlow?如何获取数据流中的第二页?

I don't see the reason to use a flow in the repository if you are emitting only one value.如果您只发出一个值,我看不出在存储库中使用流的原因。 I would change it to a suspend function, and in the ViewModel I would update a variable of type MutableStateFlow with the new value.我会将其更改为suspend函数,并在ViewModel中使用新值更新MutableStateFlow类型的变量。 The sample code could look like the following:示例代码可能如下所示:

class RepositoryImpl (private val db: AppDatabase) : Repository {

    override suspend fun fetchData (page: Int): List<Data> {
        return db.getData(page)

class ViewModel(private val repository: Repository) : ViewModel() {

    val _dataFlow = MutableStateFlow<List<Data>>(emptyList())
    val dataFlow = _dataFlow.asStateFlow()

    fun fetchData (page: Int): List<Data> {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            _dataFlow.value = repository.fetchData(page) 

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