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我在使用jetpack compose的material3中找不到ModalBottomSheetLayout?

[英]I can't find ModalBottomSheetLayout in material3 with jetpack compose?

Recently I created a project using material3 with jetpack compose but when I tried to import ModalBottomSheetLayout but I couldn't find it.最近我使用带有jetpack composematerial3创建了一个项目,但是当我尝试导入ModalBottomSheetLayout但找不到它时。 Is there any alternate in material3 or not ? alternate in material3

In previous material version we do like :-在以前的材料版本中,我们喜欢:-

ModalBottomSheetLayout(sheetContent = ) {

根据这个包摘要,它目前在 Compose 的 Material 3 中不可用。

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