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访问嵌套的 JSON 并迭代 JS/React

[英]Accessing a Nested JSON and Iterating Over JS/React

Please see sandbox below请参阅下面的沙箱

https://codesandbox.io/embed/interesting-cloud-d7iff0?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark https://codesandbox.io/embed/interesting-cloud-d7iff0?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark

I'm making an API request to a database any pulling through job results.我正在通过工作结果向数据库发出 API 请求。 The data is nested quite significantly, please see example: https://gyazo.com/c91a633b588088ae1388a4bbba14554f数据嵌套非常明显,请参见示例: https ://gyazo.com/c91a633b588088ae1388a4bbba14554f

Within this, results is an array of all 10, which is not structured.其中,results 是一个包含所有 10 个的数组,它不是结构化的。 Therefore, when it is listed to the console.log, it is like the following: https://gyazo.com/cf84ed56c9ba07e10d0a4fc0a894d545所以列到console.log的时候是这样的: https ://gyazo.com/cf84ed56c9ba07e10d0a4fc0a894d545

Therefore, I am trying to iterate over these, and access for example, a specific ID of all 10 returned.因此,我试图遍历这些,并访问例如返回的所有 10 个特定 ID。 I have a UseEffect Hook like this:我有一个这样的 UseEffect Hook:

function reducer(state, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        return { loading: true, jobs: [] }
      case ACTIONS.GET_DATA:
        return { ...state, loading: false, jobs: action.payload.jobs.results}
      case ACTIONS.ERROR:
        return { ...state, loading: false, error: action.payload.error, jobs: [] }
        return { ...state, hasNextPage: action.payload.hasNextPage }
        return state
export default function useFetchJobs(params, page){

    //set initial state for reducer
    const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {jobs: [], loading: true })

    //whenever params change, update here, array set to adjustable features
    useEffect(() => {
      //API canellations
      const cancelToken = axios.CancelToken.source()

        //updates state to load
        dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.MAKE_REQUEST})
        axios.get(BASE_URL, {
          cancelToken: cancelToken.token,
            //pass through params
            //hold all other params in spread
            params: {
                    what: 'Data Analyst',
                    where: 'Melbourne',  
        }).then(res => {
            //using GET request, dispatch
            dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.GET_DATA, payload: {jobs: res.data}})

            if (axios.isCancel(e)) return
            dispatch({ type: ACTIONS.ERROR, payload: {error: e} })

        return () => {

    }, [params, page])

    //type is set of data, payload recieved
    return state

However, despite this I can only access a specific key if i use [1].但是,尽管如此,如果我使用 [1],我只能访问特定的密钥。 For example if I did: return { ...state, loading: false, jobs: action.payload.jobs.results[1].title}例如,如果我这样做了: return { ...state, loading: false, jobs: action.payload.jobs.results[1].title}

It does work, however I do not know how to map over this in my app to display them on the front end.它确实有效,但是我不知道如何在我的应用程序中映射它以在前端显示它们。

So how would you access each piece and map it over?那么,您将如何访问每个部分并对其进行映射呢? Eg I assume I make a component and pass props, eg something like title, id, description, but I do not know how to access this.例如,我假设我制作了一个组件并传递道具,例如标题、id、描述之类的东西,但我不知道如何访问它。


mapping in React (I do not fully understand what you asked. I made example with assuming this is what you wanted to know. You can search more about React Mapping here ) React 中的映射(我不完全理解您的要求。我假设这是您想知道的。您可以在此处搜索有关 React 映射的更多信息)

const exampleArray = [{name: "John",  age: "23" },{name: "Doe", age: "32"}, ... and more]

const YourComponent = (props)=> <div>

const MainComponent = ()=> {
  return (
      // Never Forget your key when mapping
      {exampleArray.map((item,index)=> <YourComponent key={index} item={item} />)}

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