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内部 IP 与 Angular 11

[英]internal-ip with Angular 11

I tested the internal-ip npm package with Angular 13 and everything worked fine and I was able to get the correct IP address.我用 Angular 13 测试了internal-ip npm package,一切正常,我能够获得正确的 ZA412A3072BE46 地址。

Then I tried to integrated it into my Angular 11 project and it keeps giving me these error messages:然后我尝试将它集成到我的 Angular 11 项目中,它不断给我这些错误消息:


Try using below尝试使用下面

//declare this in the index.html as script src

//declare this in the index.html as script function
function getMyIP(json) {
  localStorage.setItem("<<your key>>", json.ip);

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