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[英]Test fails as entity is always null

I have this method in my Java application:我的 Java 应用程序中有这个方法:

public HttpEntity getConfirm(String confirmUrl, String cookie) throws IOException {

        LOG.debug("getConfirm triggered");
        HttpGet req = null;

        try {

            HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();
            req = new HttpGet(confirmUrl);

            req.addHeader("User-Agent", "Apache HTTPClient");
            req.addHeader("Cookie", cookie);
            HttpResponse res = client.execute(req);

            HttpEntity entity = res.getEntity();
            int statusLine = res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();
            HttpEntity entity = res.getEntity();
            int statusLine = res.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();

            String content = EntityUtils.toString(entity);
            LOG.info(content + "" + statusLine);
            return entity;

        } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {

            if (req != null) {


            return null;

This unit test was created to test it:创建此单元测试是为了对其进行测试:

public void getConfirmSuccess() throws IOException {

    HttpResponse httpResponse = mock(HttpResponse.class);
    StatusLine statusLine = mock(StatusLine.class);
    HttpEntity entity = mock(HttpEntity.class);
    InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream("{\n\"state\": \"success\",\n\"message\": \"My message.\"\n}".getBytes("UTF-8"));

    ReissueCertService reissueCertService = new ReissueCertServiceReal();

    assertEquals(reissueCertService.reissueCert("http://testurl", "foo"), httpResponse);

The test fails as the entity = response.getEntity();测试失败,因为entity = response.getEntity(); is null so entity never gets assigned a value.为空,因此实体永远不会被赋值。 I think I need to do a when(entity).thenReturn(...) but I'm not sure what exactly it is I should be returning.我想我需要做一个when(entity).thenReturn(...)但我不确定我应该返回什么。 Is this correct and if so what should I return here?这是正确的,如果是这样,我应该在这里返回什么?

You can do two things in Mock when you write return behavior of a mock object.当您编写模拟对象的返回行为时,您可以在 Mock 中做两件事。

Return a mock object who's reference we have:返回我们拥有的引用的模拟对象:


If you see here, we returning an mock object of statusLine (who's reference we have), if we do this way we get benefit to choose behavior of statusLine like below:如果你在这里看到,我们返回一个 statusLine 的模拟对象(我们有谁的参考),如果我们这样做,我们将受益于选择 statusLine 的行为,如下所示:


Another way is below, when we do not care to hold reference of mock object we want to return:下面是另一种方法,当我们不关心要返回的模拟对象的引用时:


If you see here, we are returning an mock object of statusLine who's reference we do not hold, so we can not write mock behavior for it which were able to do in first example.如果你在这里看到,我们正在返回一个 statusLine 的模拟对象,我们不持有它的引用,所以我们不能为它编写模拟行为,这在第一个示例中能够做到。

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