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Kotlin-Null 安全性

[英]Kotlin-Null Safety

Well...the question is --> "Write a program to check for the null value of the variables x and y using 'Elvis' operator and '!!'嗯...问题是 --> “编写一个程序来检查变量 x 和 y 的空值,使用 'Elvis' 运算符和 '!!' operator. Need to complete the function nullable. It should return the length of the string if it is not null, otherwise -1"运算符。需要完成可空函数。如果不为空则返回字符串的长度,否则返回-1"

fun nullable(nullableString: String?): Int {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
   val str = readLine()!!
    var result = -100
    if(str=="null") {
        result = nullable(null)
        result = nullable(str)
fun nullable(nullableString: String?): Int {
  return nullableString?.length ?: -1

基本上只需使用Elvis运算符返回输入长度,如果输入为null ,则返回-1

fun nullable(nullableString: String?): Int = nullableString?.length ?: -1
fun nullable(nullableString: String?, default: Int): Int {
    return nullableString?.toIntOrNull() ?: default

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val str = readlnOrNull()
    val result = -1
    println(nullable(str, result))

Here 'str' variable accepts value while the default is -1 it returns default -1 or int value, this is with Elvis operator but you want length instead of value so here is the solution这里 'str' 变量接受值,而默认值为 -1 它返回默认值 -1 或 int 值,这是使用 Elvis 运算符但你想要长度而不是值所以这里是解决方案

fun nullable(nullableString: String?, default: Int): Int {
    return if (nullableString?.length == 0) {
    } else { 
        nullableString?.length!! // !! is called the 'not-null assertion operator'

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val str = readlnOrNull()
    val result = -1
    println(nullable(str, result))

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