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Playwright Java:Playwright 无法点击属性设置为隐藏的元素

[英]Playwright Java : Playwright fails to click on element whose property is set hidden

I tried many locators but looks like its hidden so playwright fails to click any workaround please help我尝试了很多定位器,但看起来它是隐藏的,所以剧作家无法点击任何解决方法,请帮忙


也许使用 click 方法的 force 选项会帮助你:

page.locator("some_selector").click( {force: true} );

try dispatchEvent尝试调度事件

Regardless of the visibility state of the element, click is dispatched.无论元素的可见性状态如何,都会调度单击。 This is equivalent to calling element.click() .这相当于调用element.click()

await element.dispatchEvent('click');

Its a bit of a dirty way to do it but you can change the CSS if there is something there that makes it hidden eg a class or an attribute, or try and force the click using the DOM which is probably a better way to do it.它有点肮脏的方式,但你可以更改 CSS 如果那里有东西使它隐藏,例如 class 或属性,或者尝试使用 DOM 强制点击,这可能是更好的方法.

    Locator locator = page.locator("YOUR LOCATOR HERE");
locator.evaluate("node => node.classList.remove('classToRemove');");
//I cannot stress enough that this is a last resort as it can be a bit flakey

//or you could try this which might be a better option for your
Locator locator = page.locator("YOUR LOCATOR HERE");
locator.evaluate("node => node.click();");

Good luck and let me know how it goes.祝你好运,让我知道情况如何。 Sorry if my syntax is a little off.对不起,如果我的语法有点不对劲。

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