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如何替换 HTML 文件中的变音符号?

[英]How to replace umlauts in an HTML file?

I'm trying to go through a bunch of html files and replace all the umlauts within with their according html-codes.我正在尝试 go 通过一堆 html 文件,并用相应的 html 代码替换其中的所有变音符号。 For some reason the output of the code shown below is the exactsame as the input and i don't know why.由于某种原因,下面显示的代码的 output 与输入完全相同,我不知道为什么。

import PySimpleGUI as sg
import pathlib

def ui_input():
    file_address = None
    layout = [[sg.Text("File: "), sg.InputText(key="-FILE_PATH-"), sg.FileBrowse(file_types=[("Html Files", ".*html")])],
              [sg.Submit('Convert'), sg.Cancel('Cancel')]
    window = sg.Window('Html Umlaut Converter', layout)

    event, values = window.read()
    if event == 'Cancel':
    elif event == 'Convert':
        file_address = values["-FILE_PATH-"]

    return file_address

def convert():
    duden = {"ä": "ä", "Ä": "Ä", "ö": "ö", "Ö": "Ö", "ü": "ü", "Ü": "Ü", "ß": "ß"}
    file_address_pre = ui_input()
    fap = pathlib.Path(file_address_pre)
    file_address_post = fap.parent / (fap.stem + "_converted" + fap.suffix)

    for i in duden:
        print(i, duden[i])
        with open(file_address_pre, 'r') as prefile:
            predata = prefile.read()
            print("pre: ", predata)
            postdata = predata.replace(str(i), str(duden[i]))
            print("post: ", postdata)

        with open(file_address_post, "w") as postfile:


You are overwriting the output file for every letter in your dict.您正在为字典中的每个字母覆盖 output 文件。 Running that code should replace occurences of ß in the original text, but no others.运行该代码应该替换原始文本中出现的 ß,但不会替换其他的。 If you want to replace every special letter, try something like this instead:如果你想替换每个特殊字母,请尝试这样的事情:

def convert():
    duden = {"ä": "ä", "Ä": "Ä", "ö": "ö", "Ö": "Ö", "ü": "ü", "Ü": "Ü", "ß": "ß"}
    file_address_pre = ui_input()
    fap = pathlib.Path(file_address_pre)
    file_address_post = fap.parent / (fap.stem + "_converted" + fap.suffix)
    with open(file_address_pre, 'r') as prefile:
        predata = prefile.read()
    print("pre: ", predata)
    postdata = predata
    for i in duden:
        print(i, duden[i])
        postdata = postdata.replace(str(i), str(duden[i]))
        print("post: ", postdata)
    with open(file_address_post, "w") as postfile:

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