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我对 C++ 内存地址差异类型计算内存地址偏移有疑问?

[英]I have question about C++ memory address difference type calculate memory address offset ?

    int i=20; 
    const char* d = "adsadasdadas"; //not use
    const char* k = "use";
    int delta = (char*)&k - (char*) & i;

    cout << &i << endl;
    cout << &k << endl;
    cout << delta << endl;
    cout << &i + delta << endl;

&i + delta !=&k , how to fix? &i + delta !=&k ,如何解决? 68 will use as hexdecimal,and 68 change to decimal 104,+&i =000000B51D10FA94 in this case 68 将用作十六进制,68 更改为十进制 104,+&i =000000B51D10FA94 在这种情况下

Subtracting non-null pointers which do not point to (or one-past) the same object or into (or one-past) the same array causes undefined behavior.减去不指向(或过去)同一对象或(或过去)同一数组的非空指针会导致未定义的行为。

Similarly, adding integers to pointers is only allowed as long as you stay within the bounds of an array (or one-past it).类似地,仅当您保持在数组的范围内(或过去一个)时,才允许向指针添加整数。

&k is a pointer to the variable k and &i is a pointer to the variable i . &k是指向变量k的指针,而&i是指向变量i的指针。 These are completely independent variables, not part of a shared array or in any other way connected.这些是完全独立的变量,不是共享数组的一部分或以任何其他方式连接。

Therefore your program has undefined behavior.因此,您的程序具有未定义的行为。 It is impossible to retrieve the difference between addresses of unrelated variables in this way and even if you used a legal approach, the result would be completely unspecified and cannot be used to retrieve a pointer to the other variable via pointer arithmetic.以这种方式检索不相关变量的地址之间的差异是不可能的,即使您使用合法的方法,结果也将完全未指定,并且不能用于通过指针算术检索指向另一个变量的指针。

As a further, more obvious issue, you are substracting the pointers in type char , but adding the result to a int pointer.作为另一个更明显的问题,您正在减去char类型的指针,但将结果添加到int指针。 Pointer arithmetic measures in terms of the number of elements of the corresponding array, not in bytes.指针算术根据相应数组的元素数而不是字节数来衡量。 The size of a char is 1 byte and so delta will be in units of bytes (if it wasn't UB to begin with). char的大小为1个字节,因此delta将以字节为单位(如果它不是以 UB 开头)。 But pointer arithmetic in &i + delta expects delta to measure in number of int s, meaning delta should be scaled by sizeof(int) .但是&i + delta中的指针运算期望deltaint的数量来衡量,这意味着delta应该按sizeof(int)缩放。

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