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使用 javascript 加载部分视图:HP FORTIFY 可能的 XSS

[英]Partial View loading using javascript : Possible XSS by HP FORTIFY

I have a js function , which Fortify identified as XSS vulnerable as below.我有一个 js 函数,Fortify 将其识别为 XSS 漏洞,如下所示。 Can you suggest any solution for this since the method is intensively used in my app.您能否为此提出任何解决方案,因为该方法在我的应用程序中被大量使用。

I am here trying to call a partialview in ajax and the result html am appending to a specified dom div我在这里尝试在 ajax 中调用部分视图,结果 html 附加到指定的 dom div

My function look like the below我的功能如下所示

      function loadPartialViewToDiv(div, obj, api) {
        try {

const myUrl = new URL(window.location.origin +  api); // always local URL only 
    url: myUrl ,
    data: obj,
    cache: false,
    type: "POST",
    dataType: "html",
    success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {        
    if (data != undefined && data != null) {        
    $('#' + div).html(data);        
    } catch (e) {
    ('#' + div).html('Error');

The dynamic DOM element id was the issue ($('#' + div).html(data); ), we fixed it using two methods动态 DOM 元素 id 是问题 ($('#' + div).html(data); ),我们使用两种方法修复它

  1. giving a static id.给出一个静态ID。 $('#abcd').html(data); $('#abcd').html(数据);
  2. change as $('#' + div).text($(data));更改为 $('#' + div).text($(data));

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