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如何查找 NFT 集合的所有者数?

[英]How to find the owner count of an NFT collection?

I am trying to find an NFT collection holder count (ERC721 token).我正在尝试查找 NFT 收藏持有者计数(ERC721 令牌)。 For example, OpenSea and EtherScan have this data but I couldn't find a native ERC721 method to achieve this.例如,OpenSea 和 EtherScan 有这些数据,但我找不到本地 ERC721 方法来实现这一点。

What is the best way of doing this?这样做的最佳方法是什么?


The best way would be to use the Transfer event since that's what for.最好的方法是使用 Transfer 事件,因为这就是目的。 You can query all transfer events, and filter by ID.您可以查询所有传输事件,并按ID过滤。

Yet you can too create your custom function(id, address) which will be called on each nft transfer, there you can push to an array in a mapping id -> address[] where the array represents the addresses of the peeps who owned that NFT.然而,您也可以创建将在每次 nft 传输时调用的自定义function(id, address) ,在那里您可以推送到映射id -> address[]中的数组,其中数组表示拥有它的窥视者的地址NFT。

And then create another function(id) to return that array depending on the id sent to the function.然后根据发送给函数的 id 创建另一个function(id)以返回该数组。

Well, after a few hours more research, I found some solutions and wanted to share those.好吧,经过几个小时的研究,我找到了一些解决方案并想分享这些。

There are some ways to do this:有一些方法可以做到这一点:

  1. If you are working on a specific contract and this contract extends ERC721Enumerable , your case study is a little bit easier.如果您正在处理特定合同并且此合同扩展ERC721Enumerable ,那么您的案例研究会更容易一些。 Because you can find the token count using totalSupply() so you can skip the first part of the code below.因为您可以使用totalSupply()找到令牌计数,所以您可以跳过下面代码的第一部分。
  2. If you want to use a 3rd party tool, you may want to check out Moralis .如果您想使用 3rd 方工具,您可能需要查看Moralis It returns the owner count with a list of addresses and extra data.它返回所有者计数以及地址列表和额外数据。 See the already exist answer查看已经存在的答案
  3. If you want to write the code manually, here is my code:如果您想手动编写代码,这是我的代码:

async testGetOwnerCount({ }, payload) {
    // Connect the contract 
    let nftContract = new ethers.Contract(nftContractAddress, ERC721.abi, signer);

    // First find the mint count which is equal to the token count
    const transferFilter = nftContract.filters.Transfer("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", null, null)
    const tokens = await nftContract.queryFilter(transferFilter)
    const tokenCount = tokens.length;

    // Iterate over tokens and store owner addresses in an array
    let owners = []
    for (let i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) {
      // First, find the all transfers of the token 
      // from null` to `null` so we get all the transfers of `tokenId` 
      const transferFilter = nftContract.filters.Transfer(null, null, parseInt(tokens[i].args.tokenId))
      const tokenTransfers = await nftContract.queryFilter(transferFilter)

      // `args.to` of the last element gives the current owner of issued token
      let lastTransfer = tokenTransfers[tokenTransfers.length - 1]
      let currentOwner = lastTransfer.args.to

      // If the address has already found before, don't add it...
      if (!owners.includes(currentOwner)) {

There might be better ways to achieve this but this was the best I could find since I want to handle all the contracts not only those are ERC721Enumerable and don't want to use another tool.可能有更好的方法来实现这一点,但这是我能找到的最好的方法,因为我想处理所有合同,不仅是ERC721Enumerable并且不想使用其他工具。

you do not need any third-party contract or service.您不需要任何第三方合同或服务。 You can set 3 mappings:您可以设置 3 个映射:

// each operation on mapping takes O(1) time

//keep track of how many tokens each address have
mapping(address => uint256) private ownedTokens

// from tokenId=>ownerAddress
// keep track of owner of each tokenId
mapping(uint256 => address) private tokenOwner

// keep track of how many tokens does an address own
mapping(address => uint256) private ownedTokensCount

mappings are very useful in solidity to optimize your code.映射对于优化代码非常有用。 When you write the mint function, you have to update those mappings accordingly.当您编写 mint function 时,您必须相应地更新这些映射。

function mint(address to, uint256 tokenId) external {
    ownedTokensCount[to] += 1;
    tokenOwner[tokenId] = to;
    ownedTokens[to] = tokenId;

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