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如何在 GetIt 中注册 ObjectBox?

[英]How to register ObjectBox in GetIt?

How to properly register ObjectBox in GetIt?如何在 GetIt 中正确注册 ObjectBox? I have an error: The argument type 'Type' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'ObjectBox Function()'.我有一个错误:无法将参数类型“Type”分配给参数类型“ObjectBox Function()”。

final injector = GetIt.instance;

class DependencyInitializer {
  static void initDependencies() {

You have to pass a function/constructor that returns an instance.您必须传递一个返回实例的函数/构造函数。 Passing 'ObjectBox' itself is just the type.传递 'ObjectBox' 本身就是类型。

Try this:尝试这个:

  locator.registerLazySingletonAsync<ObjectBox>(() => ObjectBox.create());

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