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根据 webpagetest,延迟脚本仍然呈现阻塞

[英]Deferred script is still render blocking according to webpagetest

I am using webpack to build the assets in production.我正在使用 webpack 来构建生产中的资产。 The split chunking feature allows us to break big scripts into chunks.拆分分块功能允许我们将大脚本分成块。 However the problem is that even though the scripts are deferred, webpagetest still shows they are render blocking:然而,问题是即使脚本被推迟,webpagetest 仍然显示它们呈现阻塞: 在此处输入图像描述

The scripts already have the defer attributes.脚本已经具有 defer 属性。


Is it because defer is executing the scripts in order?是因为 defer 是按顺序执行脚本吗? Changing the defer to async seems to have solved the issue but I am trying to understand why it was render-blocking even though using defer.将延迟更改为异步似乎已经解决了这个问题,但我试图理解为什么即使使用延迟它也会阻塞渲染。

Page URL: https://trip101.com/article/airbnb-castle-england页面URL: https://trip101.com/article/airbnb-castle-england

The render blocking indicator comes directly from Chrome, and in this case it's a bug in Chrome due to a race condition.渲染阻塞指示器直接来自 Chrome,在这种情况下,它是 Chrome 中由于竞争条件而导致的错误。 (You can find the Chromium bug here: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3596328 ) (您可以在此处找到 Chromium 错误: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/3596328

Should be fixed in version 103, which comes out June 21st ( https://chromestatus.com/roadmap ).应该在 6 月 21 日发布的版本 103 中得到修复 ( https://chromestatus.com/roadmap )。

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