[英].Net Maui Button.IsEnabled not disabled at startup
I have this button in my MainPage.cs and am using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
我的 MainPage.cs 中有这个按钮,并且正在
using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
new Button()
.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonEnabled))
.Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonText))
CallButtonEnabled = false
in my viewmodel's constructor and is toggled by another buttons command. CallButtonEnabled = false
When I use the extension methods in this order, the button is enabled at program start.当我按此顺序使用扩展方法时,该按钮在程序启动时启用。 I think this is because the command's button enabling mechanics are overriding the value I manually set.
If I change the extention method's order like so如果我像这样更改扩展方法的顺序
new Button()
.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonEnabled))
.Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonText))
with the BindCommand
coming first, the button is now disabled at program start;随着
首先出现,该按钮现在在程序启动时被禁用; confirming my suspicion.证实了我的怀疑。
My question being;我的问题是; is this just something that I have to be aware of, making sure that the
is called first, or is there another way to get the results I want?这只是我必须注意的事情,确保首先调用
EDIT 6-14-22 Here is my minimal reproducible example as requested.编辑 6-14-22这是我要求的最小可重现示例。
MauiProgram.cs MauiProgram.cs
using CommunityToolkit.Maui;
using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
namespace MauiApp1;
public static class MauiProgram
public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");
builder.Services.AddSingleton<MainPage, MainPage>();
builder.Services.AddSingleton<MainPageViewModel, MainPageViewModel>();
return builder.Build();
using CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup;
namespace MauiApp1;
public class MainPage : ContentPage
public MainPage(MainPageViewModel vm)
BindingContext = vm;
Content = new ScrollView
Content = new VerticalStackLayout
Children =
new Button
Text = "Toggle ther button enabled"
// This button works as expected and is disabled at startup
//new Button()
//.BindCommand(nameof(vm.DisplayAlertCommand)) // <-----
//.Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.ButtonText))
//.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.ButtonEnabled)),
// This button is enabled at startup but the text still reads "Disabled"
// On first click of the toggle button, this text changes to "Enabled" and the Button is still enabled
// Everything works as expected on subsequest pressess of the toggle button.
new Button ()
.Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.ButtonText))
.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.ButtonEnabled))
.BindCommand(nameof(vm.DisplayAlertCommand)), // <-----
MainPageViewModel.cs MainPageViewModel.cs
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
namespace MauiApp1;
public partial class MainPageViewModel : ObservableObject
private bool _buttonEnabled = false;
private string _buttonText = "Disabled";
private void OnButtonClicked()
ButtonEnabled = !ButtonEnabled;
ButtonText = ButtonEnabled ? "Enabled" : "Diabled";
private async void DisplayAlert()
await Application.Current.MainPage.DisplayAlert("", "Other Button Clicked", "OK");
These three files are the only changes I made to the default .NET Maui template, except for: deleting MainPage.xaml
, renaming MainPage.xaml.cs -> MainPage.cs
, and installing the NuGet packages used in the above code.这三个文件是我对默认 .NET Maui 模板所做的唯一更改,除了:删除
、重命名MainPage.xaml.cs -> MainPage.cs
以及安装上述代码中使用的 NuGet 包。
I tested this example on我测试了这个例子
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Preview;
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022(64 位)- 预览版; Version 17.3.0 Preview 2.0
版本 17.3.0 预览版 2.0
and am still getting the undesired behavior.我仍然得到不受欢迎的行为。
According to my test , we just need to set BindingContext
before creating the binding
relationship , in this case no matter we put BindCommand
before or after , it will work as expected .根据我的测试,我们只需要在创建
ViewModel vm = new ViewModel();
BindingContext = vm; //look at this line
Button btn = new Button();
.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonEnabled))
.Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonText));
// the following code is also ok
//btn.Bind(Button.IsEnabledProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonEnabled))
// .Bind(Button.TextProperty, nameof(vm.CallButtonText))
// .BindCommand(nameof(vm.CallCommand));
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