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[英]imges on gitub pages not appear

I am trying for two days to resolve the images not appearing issue on Github pages.我正在尝试两天来解决 Github 页面上未出现的图像问题。 I searched and applied all the ways.我搜索并应用了所有方法。 Please guide me step by step and if possible with a screenshot.请逐步指导我,如果可能的话,请提供屏幕截图。 the answer with ../ is not working. ../ 的答案不起作用。 I am confused about where to put it.我对把它放在哪里感到困惑。 should I edit the indes.html file inside the repository file or just edit in the local file on the desktop and then upload it.我应该编辑存储库文件中的 indes.html 文件还是只在桌面上的本地文件中编辑然后上传它。 my spelling and case are also correct.我的拼写和大小写也是正确的。

here is the link to the repository https://github.com/biqrar/Responsive-QR-Code-card.git这是存储库的链接https://github.com/biqrar/Responsive-QR-Code-card.git

What I see is that the image file is in the same path of index.我看到的是图像文件位于索引的同一路径中。 so the path for source of image should be only file name所以图像源的路径应该只是文件名

<img src="image-qr-code.png"
      class="card-img-top mt-2 px-2 py-2 mb-2"


Perhaps I misunderstand your question, but is it as simple as the path to your image is wrong?也许我误解了你的问题,但它是否像你的图像路径错误一样简单? Within your repository the qr png image and your webpage reside in the same folder.在您的存储库中,qr png 图像和您的网页位于同一文件夹中。 So changing line 32 of index.html to src="image-qr-code.png" makes it display.因此将index.html第 32 行更改为src="image-qr-code.png"使其显示。

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