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遇到错误:“struct std::iterator_traits”中没有名为“iterator_category”的类型<std::vector<int> &gt;

[英]Encountring error: no type named ‘iterator_category’ in ‘struct std::iterator_traits<std::vector<int> >

I am trying to create a program which will sort the sequence on integers based on iterators (whether forward iterator or random access iterator).我正在尝试创建一个程序,该程序将基于迭代器(无论是前向迭代器还是随机访问迭代器)对整数序列进行排序。 But I am encountering this error when I am trying to pass vector :但是当我尝试传递vector时遇到此错误:

error: no type named 'iterator_category' in 'struct std::iterator_traits<std::vector<int> >错误:'struct std::iterator_traits<std::vector<int> > 中没有名为“iterator_category”的类型

Same issue I am encountering while passing forward_list also:我在传递forward_list时也遇到了同样的问题:

error: no type named 'iterator_category' in 'struct std::iterator_traits<std::forward_list<int> >'错误:“struct std::iterator_traits<std::forward_list<int> >”中没有名为“iterator_category”的类型

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

using namespace std;

template<typename Ran>
void sort_helper(Ran beg, Ran end, random_access_iterator_tag){
    Random access iterator version of sort
    sort(beg, end);

template<typename For>
void sort_helper(For beg, For end, forward_iterator_tag){
    The version for forward iterators is almost as simple; just copy the list into a vector, sort, and copy
    back again:
    vector<decltype(*beg)> vec{beg, end};
    sort(vec.begin(), vec.end());
    copy(vec.begin(), vec.end(), beg);


template<class Iter>
void testSort(Iter& c){
    sort_helper(c.begin(), c.end(), typename std::iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category{});

int main(int argc, char** argv){
    vector<int> vec = {3, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 88};
    forward_list<int> flst = {6, 4, 6, 1, 4, 77, 1, 23, 2, 4};


    for(auto& x:vec){
        cout<<x<<" ";

    for(auto& x:flst){
        cout<<x<<" ";

In your testSort() function, the Iter template argument (whose name is misleading, BTW) is receiving the container type, but iterator_traits wants an iterator type instead.在您的testSort()函数中, Iter模板参数(其名称具有误导性,顺便说一句)正在接收容器类型,但iterator_traits需要一个迭代器类型。

This will work in your example:这将在您的示例中起作用:

template<class Container>
void testSort(Container& c){
    sort_helper(c.begin(), c.end(),
        typename std::iterator_traits<typename Container::iterator>::iterator_category{}

However, that will not work for raw C-style arrays, which don't have begin() , end() , or iterator members.但是,这不适用于没有begin()end()iterator成员的原始 C 样式数组。 But this will work for them:但这对他们有用:

template<class Container>
void testSort(Container& c){
    sort_helper(std::begin(c), std::end(c),
        typename std::iterator_traits<decltype(std::begin(c))>::iterator_category{}

Another problem is, this line also fails to compile:另一个问题是,这一行也无法编译:

std::vector<decltype(*beg)> vec{beg, end};

This is because dereferencing an iterator returns a reference to the element being referred to, so decltype(*beg) returns a reference type, which prevents the vector::pointer and vector::const_pointer members from being declarable:这是因为取消引用迭代器会返回对被引用元素的引用,因此decltype(*beg)返回引用类型,这会阻止vector::pointervector::const_pointer成员可声明:

error: forming pointer to reference type 'int&'错误:形成指向引用类型“int&”的指针

This will work:这将起作用:

std::vector<typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*beg)>::type> vec{beg, end};

However, you can use iterator_traits here instead, which has a value_type member:但是,您可以在此处改用iterator_traits ,它有一个value_type成员:

std::vector<typename std::iterator_traits<For>::value_type> vec{beg, end};


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