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[英]Call non-member function from inside class, but the nonmember function takes class as input (C++)

As the title suggests, I am wondering if I can call a non-member function (which is contained in the class header file) from inside the class, with the caveat that the nonmember function is using the class itself ?正如标题所示,我想知道是否可以从类内部调用非成员函数(包含在类头文件中),但需要注意的是非成员函数正在使用类本身? Normally I could just put the nonmember function above the class declaration, but that means I cannot pass it the class as input because it is not identified by then.通常我可以将非成员函数放在类声明之上,但这意味着我不能将类作为输入传递给它,因为那时它还没有被识别。

For reference this is what a slimmed down version of my "Matrix" class looks like, with the nonmember function "LUDecomposition", which I am trying to call from the "Determinant" member class:作为参考,这是我的“Matrix”类的精简版本的样子,带有非成员函数“LUDecomposition”,我试图从“Determinant”成员类中调用它:

#pragma once

#include <vector>
#include <tuple>

enum MatrixType

class Matrix
    int col, row;
    typedef std::vector<double> Row;
    std::vector<Row> data;
    Matrix(int columns, int rows): row(rows), col(columns), data(columns, std::vector<double>(rows)) 


    Matrix(int columns, int rows, MatrixType matrixType) : row(rows), col(columns), data(columns, std::vector<double>(rows))
        switch (matrixType)
        case Identity:
        case Zeros:
        case Ones:

    Row& operator[](int i)
        return data[i];

    std::tuple<int,int> Size() const
        return std::make_tuple(col, row);

    double Determinant() const
        if (col != row) throw std::exception("Matrix must be square");
        Matrix tempMatrix = *this;

        std::tuple<Matrix, Matrix> LU = LUDecomposition(tempMatrix);



std::tuple<Matrix, Matrix> LUDecomposition(Matrix& matrix) //This function decomposes input square matrix A into lower triangular matrix L and upper triangular matrix U such that A=LU (Doolittle)
    std::tuple<int, int> size = matrix.Size();
    int col = std::get<0>(size);
    int row = std::get<1>(size);

    Matrix lower(col, row);
    Matrix upper(col, row);

    for (int i = 0; i < col; i++)
        for (int k = i; k < col; k++)
            int sum = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                sum += lower[j][i] * upper[k][j];
            upper[k][i] = matrix[k][i] - sum;

        for (int k = i; k < col; k++)
            if (i == k) lower[i][i] = 1;
                int sum = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    sum += lower[j][k] * upper[i][j];
                lower[i][k] = (matrix[i][k] - sum) / upper[i][i];


    return std::make_tuple(lower, upper);

Is there any way at all to call this function from inside the class ?有没有办法从类内部调用这个函数? I don't mind if it remains a nonmember function, or is moved somewhere, just trying to find a way to do this.我不介意它是否仍然是一个非成员函数,或者被移动到某个地方,只是想找到一种方法来做到这一点。

Looks like this code works fine看起来这段代码工作正常

class A;

void func(A);

class A


void func(A) {}

You need to do two forward declarations.你需要做两个前向声明。 One for the Matrix class and one for the LUDecomposition function.一个用于 Matrix 类,一个用于 LUDecomposition 函数。

class Matrix; // This lets LUDecomposition know a Matrix type exists
std::tuple<Matrix, Matrix> LUDecomposition(Matrix& matrix); // this lets the Matrix class knows that a LUDecomposition function exists.

Put them before the definitions of the class and function (eg below enum MatrixType ) and it compiles.将它们放在类和函数的定义之前(例如,在enum MatrixType下方)并编译。

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