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如何从 .Net Core 中的 Content.ReadAsStringAsync 方法获取字符串?

[英]How to get the string from Content.ReadAsStringAsync method in .Net Core?

I am trying to read the response from WEB API, that returns string.我正在尝试读取来自 WEB API 的响应,该响应返回字符串。 I use below statement:我使用以下语句:


I was expecting the result to be "TEST" but I am getting ""TEST"".我期待结果是“TEST”,但我得到的是“TEST”。

How do I remove the extra characters from the output.如何从输出中删除多余的字符。

I ran the API alone in Postman, and getting expected result "TEST".我在 Postman 中单独运行 API,并获得了预期的结果“TEST”。 But when I try to read the response via code, I am getting extra characters.但是当我尝试通过代码读取响应时,我得到了额外的字符。

Not sure, where I am missing.不确定,我在哪里失踪。 Any help on this really appreciated.对此的任何帮助都非常感谢。

Edit: Adding screenshot of the response编辑:添加响应的屏幕截图


The correct way would be to use await to read the string result:正确的方法是使用await来读取字符串结果:

var result = await response.Conent.ReadAsStringAsync();

And you would not need to use .ToString() because the result is already a string.而且您不需要使用.ToString()因为结果已经是一个字符串。

To manually remove the double quotes from the output you can just trim it:要从输出中手动删除双引号,您只需修剪它:

result = result.Trim('"');

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