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IICS 中的 Oracle 替换和翻译命令

[英]Oracle replace and translate command in IICS

I need to translate these oracle command into Informatica (IICS).我需要将这些 oracle 命令翻译成 Informatica (IICS)。

Please could you tell me how to do?请问你能告诉我怎么做吗?


replace(translate(HDDJD_DG,'²¿àçéèîÀÇɵ','           '),' ','')

and the last one和最后一个

cast('RAP' as varchar2(3)) 

Thanks for your help谢谢你的帮助

Try using the REG_REPLACE function .尝试使用REG_REPLACE 函数 I'm not sure if this will work simply as:我不确定这是否会简单地工作为:

REG_REPLACE( HDDJD_DG, '²¿àçéèîÀÇɵ', '')

or if you'd need to trim after replace:或者如果您需要在更换后修剪:


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