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[英]How to make an airflow dag skip an hour if previous trigger is still in motion

A simple question for airflow DAG development气流DAG开发的一个简单问题

args = {
    'owner': 'Airflow',
    'start_date': dates.days_ago(1),
    'email': ['email1@gmail.com', 'email2@gmail.com'],
    'email_on_failure': True,
    'email_on_success': True,
    'schedule_interval': '0 * * * *',

The above configuration states that the DAG should run every hour on the top of the hour.上面的配置表明 DAG 应该在每小时的最开始运行一次。

How do I make the job skip one hour if the previous job is still in motion?如果之前的工作仍在进行中,如何让工作跳过一小时?


As mentioned in comment you can achieve what you want by setting max_active_runs=1 .如评论中所述,您可以通过设置max_active_runs=1来实现您想要的。 However, this will depend on wider context of expected behaviour.然而,这将取决于预期行为的更广泛背景。

If you need more complex schedule consider implementing your own Timetable .如果您需要更复杂的时间表,请考虑实施您自己的时间表

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