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[英]How to Download multiple files in sketchware?

How do I download multiple files in a queue one by one!如何一个一个地下载队列中的多个文件! In sketchware在素描软件中

Please let me know how to do that.请让我知道该怎么做。


Just download files when first you are downloading is the first in queue;当第一个下载是队列中的第一个时,只需下载文件; you can pause first and run the second download.您可以先暂停并运行第二次下载。 Then, while the second was downloading and first is stopped, check if 2 was downloaded, then unpause 1.然后,当第二个正在下载并且第一个停止时,检查 2 是否已下载,然后取消暂停 1。

You can use these blocks:您可以使用这些块:


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