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Win 10 使用 vb6 activex 文档或 webbrowser 控件的先决条件

[英]Prerequisite for Win 10 using vb6 activex documents or webbrowser control

I am trying to install a legacy VB6 app on a Windows 10 Enterprise PC.我正在尝试在 Windows 10 Enterprise PC 上安装旧版 VB6 应用程序。 The app has an install program and it is installed on many Windows server 2016 machines.该应用程序有一个安装程序,它安装在许多 Windows server 2016 机器上。 This program uses active user documents (dob files) that load in a webbrowser control.该程序使用加载到网络浏览器控件中的活动用户文档(dob 文件)。 The install is successful but when I run the program instead of loading the user document in the webbrowser control i get a dialog box asking me if I want to download or save a 'vbd' file with the same name as the active x dll the user document creates.安装成功,但是当我运行程序而不是在 webbrowser 控件中加载用户文档时,我得到一个对话框,询问我是否要下载或保存与用户活动 x dll 同名的“vbd”文件文档创建。

My question is if anyone knows if there is a prerequisite to having the vb6 webbrowser control or active x documents work on a Windows 10 machine?我的问题是,是否有人知道在 Windows 10 机器上运行 vb6 网络浏览器控件或活动 x 文档是否有先决条件? I have the dll registered and the registry entries match the Windows 2016 server.我已经注册了 dll,并且注册表项与 Windows 2016 服务器匹配。

Thanks in advance, Hank在此先感谢,汉克

Here's the relevant (I think) part of the VB6 help for ActiveX Documents:这是 ActiveX 文档的 VB6 帮助的相关(我认为)部分:

A few of the more common problems in Internet Component Download and their solutions are listed in this section.本节列出了 Internet 组件下载中一些较常见的问题及其解决方案。 These include: [...] Prompt: "Opening file DocumentName.VBD. What would you like to do with this file? Open it or save it to disk?其中包括: [...]提示:“正在打开文件 DocumentName.VBD。您想如何处理此文件?打开它还是将其保存到磁盘?

The proposed solution to this is建议的解决方案是

This error occurs when the Visual Basic runtime library (MSVBVM60.DLL) is not installed.未安装 Visual Basic 运行时库 (MSVBVM60.DLL) 时会发生此错误。 Generally, this occurs when the safety level in Internet Explorer is set to High.通常,当 Internet Explorer 中的安全级别设置为“高”时,会发生这种情况。 To correct this, you must set the safety level in Internet Explorer to Medium or None.要更正此问题,您必须将 Internet Explorer 中的安全级别设置为“中”或“无”。

Note sure when this help entry was written, but with the latest IEs, you add the site in question to the Intranet zone and change the setting there.请注意确定此帮助条目的编写时间,但使用最新的 IE,您将相关站点添加到Intranet区域并在那里更改设置。 If that actually resolves the problem, you then should try turning security up again by going into "Customized" and add restrictions again that don't cause it to break again.如果这确实解决了问题,那么您应该尝试通过进入“自定义”再次打开安全性并再次添加不会导致它再次中断的限制。

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