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如何使用 Assisted Inject 和 Inject with dagger hilt?

[英]How to use Assisted Inject and Inject with dagger hilt?

I have ViewModel where I need in runtime inject some parameters but also in this ViewModel i need repository.我有 ViewModel,我需要在运行时注入一些参数,但在这个 ViewModel 中我也需要存储库。 Not sure is it possible with dagger hilt to combine Assisted Inject and Inject.不确定匕首刀柄是否可以结合辅助注射和注射。 If I try now to use communityFeedRepository it gives me error:如果我现在尝试使用 communityFeedRepository 它会给我错误:

com.test.context.community.repository.CommunityFeedRepository is injected at com.test.context.community.CommunityFeedViewModel(…, communityFeedRepository) com.test.context.community.CommunityFeedViewModel.Factory is requested at com.test.context.di.ViewModelFactoryProvider.communityFeedViewModelFactory() com.test.context.community.repository.CommunityFeedRepository 在 com.test.context.community.CommunityFeedViewModel(..., communityFeedRepository) 处注入 com.test.context.community.CommunityFeedViewModel.Factory 在 com.test.context.di 请求。 ViewModelFactoryProvider.communityFeedViewModelFactory()

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

class CommunityFeedViewModel
    @Assisted("preloadedTiles") private val preloadedTiles: List<Tile>,
    @Assisted("path") private val path: String,
    @Assisted("token") private val token: String?,
    // private var communityFeedRepository: CommunityFeedRepository
) : ViewModel() {
    var tiles: List<Tile> = preloadedTiles
    private val vmPath = path
    var vmToken: String? = token

    private val tileState = MutableStateFlow(tiles)
    val til = tileState.asStateFlow()

    private suspend fun loadTiles() {
        /*communityFeedRepository.getCommunityFeedTiles(vmPath, vmToken).onSuccess {
            tileState.value = it.tiles
            vmToken = it.token

    init {
        viewModelScope.launch {
            if (tiles.isEmpty()) {

    interface Factory {
        fun create(
            @Assisted("preloadedTiles") preloadedTiles: List<Tile>,
            @Assisted("path") path: String,
            @Assisted("token") token: String?
        ): CommunityFeedViewModel
    companion object {
        fun provideFactory(
            assistedFactory: Factory,
            preloadedTiles: List<Tile>,
            path: String,
            token: String?
        ): ViewModelProvider.Factory = object : ViewModelProvider.Factory {
            override fun <T : ViewModel> create(modelClass: Class<T>): T {
                return assistedFactory.create(preloadedTiles, path, token) as T

fun communityFeedViewModel(
    preloadedTiles: List<Tile>,
    path: String,
    token: String?
): CommunityFeedViewModel {
    val factory = EntryPointAccessors.fromActivity(
        LocalContext.current as Activity,

    return viewModel(
        factory = CommunityFeedViewModel.provideFactory(
            preloadedTiles = preloadedTiles,
            path = path,
            token = token
        ), key = path

Ah I think I found error and it works fine.啊,我想我发现了错误,它工作正常。 If somebody run into similar issues might be helpful.如果有人遇到类似问题可能会有所帮助。 I have AssistedModule我有辅助模块

interface ViewModelFactoryProvider {
    fun communityFeedViewModelFactory(): CommunityFeedViewModel.Factory

and it is installed in ActivityComponent.它安装在 ActivityComponent 中。 I had issues where my CommunityModule had install in ViewModelComponent.我的 CommunityModule 安装在 ViewModelComponent 中时遇到了问题。 I make it like this and now all works fine.我这样做了,现在一切正常。

object CommunityFeedModule {
    fun provideCommunityFeedApi(retrofit: Retrofit): CommunityFeedApi = retrofit.create(CommunityFeedApi::class.java)

    fun provideCommunityFeedRepository(communityFeedApi: CommunityFeedApi): CommunityFeedRepository =

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