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我可以在 Windows 上使用 AMQP-CPP 而不用 C++ 实现网络层吗?

[英]Can I use AMQP-CPP without implementing network layer in C++ on Windows?

I am trying to use AMQP-CPP library for RabbitMQ communication with and reading their readme is not that straightforward how to dodge implementing network layer on Windows.我正在尝试使用AMQP-CPP库与 RabbitMQ 通信并阅读他们的自述文件并不是那么简单,如何避免在 Windows 上实现网络层。

As we mentioned above, the library can be used in a network-agnostic fashion.正如我们上面提到的,该库可以以与网络无关的方式使用。 It then does not do any IO by itself, and you need to pass an object to the library that the library can use for IO.然后它自己不做任何 IO,您需要将一个对象传递给该库可用于 IO 的库。 So, before you start using the library, you first need to create a class that extends from the ConnectionHandler base class.因此,在开始使用该库之前,您首先需要创建一个从 ConnectionHandler 基类扩展的类。 This is a class with a number of methods that are called by the library every time it wants to send out data, or when it needs to inform you that an error occurred.这是一个具有许多方法的类,库每次要发送数据或需要通知您发生错误时都会调用这些方法。

#include <amqpcpp.h>

class MyConnectionHandler : public AMQP::ConnectionHandler
     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library every time it has data
     *  available that should be sent to RabbitMQ.
     *  @param  connection  pointer to the main connection object
     *  @param  data        memory buffer with the data that should be sent to RabbitMQ
     *  @param  size        size of the buffer
    virtual void onData(AMQP::Connection *connection, const char *data, size_t size)
        // @todo
        //  Add your own implementation, for example by doing a call to the
        //  send() system call. But be aware that the send() call may not
        //  send all data at once, so you also need to take care of buffering
        //  the bytes that could not immediately be sent, and try to send
        //  them again when the socket becomes writable again

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when the login attempt
     *  succeeded. After this method has been called, the connection is ready
     *  to use.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that can now be used
    virtual void onReady(AMQP::Connection *connection)
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by creating a channel
        //  instance, and start publishing or consuming

     *  Method that is called by the AMQP library when a fatal error occurs
     *  on the connection, for example because data received from RabbitMQ
     *  could not be recognized.
     *  @param  connection      The connection on which the error occurred
     *  @param  message         A human readable error message
    virtual void onError(AMQP::Connection *connection, const char *message)
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by reporting the error
        //  to the user of your program, log the error, and destruct the
        //  connection object because it is no longer in a usable state

     *  Method that is called when the connection was closed. This is the
     *  counter part of a call to Connection::close() and it confirms that the
     *  AMQP connection was correctly closed.
     *  @param  connection      The connection that was closed and that is now unusable
    virtual void onClosed(AMQP::Connection *connection) 
        // @todo
        //  add your own implementation, for example by closing down the
        //  underlying TCP connection too

After you've implemented the ConnectionHandler class (which is entirely up to you), you can start using the library by creating a Connection object, and one or more Channel objects:在您实现了 ConnectionHandler 类(这完全取决于您)之后,您可以通过创建一个 Connection 对象和一个或多个 Channel 对象来开始使用该库:

// create an instance of your own connection handler
MyConnectionHandler myHandler;

// create a AMQP connection object
AMQP::Connection connection(&myHandler, AMQP::Login("guest","guest"), "/");

// and create a channel
AMQP::Channel channel(&connection);

// use the channel object to call the AMQP method you like
channel.declareExchange("my-exchange", AMQP::fanout);
channel.bindQueue("my-exchange", "my-queue", "my-routing-key");

This is all from their readme.这一切都来自他们的自述文件。

Can someone please tell me is there a way to subscribe to RabbitMQ and use channel without implementing IO on Windows?有人可以告诉我有没有办法订阅 RabbitMQ 并使用通道而不在 Windows 上实现 IO?
I know they have implemented for linux, but can't find any working example for Windows.我知道他们已经为 linux 实现了,但找不到任何适用于 Windows 的工作示例。

You should be able to use libuv on Windows, and thus this handler:你应该能够在 Windows 上使用libuv ,因此这个处理程序:

https://github.com/CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP/blob/master/include/amqpcpp/libuv.h https://github.com/CopernicaMarketingSoftware/AMQP-CPP/blob/master/include/amqpcpp/libuv.h

NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.注意: RabbitMQ 团队监控rabbitmq-users邮件列表,并且有时只回答 StackOverflow 上的问题。

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