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Blockly 中的 DOM 元素

[英]DOM Elements in Blockly

I am currently learning about blockly, there are already many predefined blocks in blockly.我目前正在学习blockly,blockly中已经有很多预定义的block。 Are there any predefined blocks in blockly for DOM Elements in the toolbox?工具箱中的 DOM 元素块中是否有任何预定义的块? If there aren't any can anyone just demonstrate how to create a DOM Element like a body element so that I can understand the procedure and generating code for the same, I went through the documentation on how to create a custom block, but I am not getting any idea on how to get started for creating these DOM elements.如果没有任何人可以演示如何创建像body元素这样的 DOM 元素,以便我可以理解该过程并为其生成代码,我浏览了有关如何创建自定义块的文档,但我不知道如何开始创建这些 DOM 元素。

I will be greatful if anyone can demonstrate on how to create a DOM element using blockly if there aren't any predefined blocks for the same in the toolbox...如果工具箱中没有任何预定义的块,如果有人可以演示如何使用 blockly 创建 DOM 元素,我将非常感激......

The Documentation of blockly gives you an open-source project with different toolbox types you can use. Blockly 的文档为您提供了一个开源项目,您可以使用不同的工具箱类型。 Doc Link: https://developers.google.com/blockly/guides/get-started/web Github project: https://github.com/google/blockly.git文档链接: https ://developers.google.com/blockly/guides/get-started/web Github 项目: https ://github.com/google/blockly.git

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