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Gradle 设置插件扩展

[英]Gradle Settings plugin extension

I want to create a settings plugin (not project plugin) to simplify some stuff, but I cannot get the configuration clause to work.我想创建一个设置插件(不是项目插件)来简化一些东西,但我无法让配置子句起作用。

This is my plugin (Java code)这是我的插件(Java 代码)

public class SettingsPlugin implements Plugin<Settings> {
    public void apply(Settings target) {
              .create("modules", IncludeModulesExtension.class, target);

        System.err.println("Applied settings plugin");

public class IncludeModulesExtension {
    private final Settings _settings;

    public IncludeModulesExtension(Settings settings) {
        _settings = settings;

    public void include(String path) {

My problem is, that gradle is not picking up the "modules" dynamic function in my settings.gradle.kts:我的问题是,gradle 没有在我的 settings.gradle.kts 中选择“模块”动态 function:

pluginManagement {

plugins {
    id("com.ieffects.gradle-tools.settings-server") version ("7.0.23-SNAPSHOT")

modules {

I omitted the pluginManagement, the plugin is found and applied, however the "modules" is not picked up.我省略了pluginManagement,找到并应用了插件,但是没有拾取“模块”。 What is it I'm doing wrong?我做错了什么?

Starting Gradle Daemon...
Gradle Daemon started in 2 s 396 ms
Applied settings plugin
e: /Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts:22:1: Unresolved reference: modules

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* Where:
Settings file '/Volumes/Development/Git/server-framework-galcon/settings.gradle.kts' line: 22

* What went wrong:
Script compilation error:

  Line 22: modules {
           ^ Unresolved reference: modules

1 error

I faced the same issue when implementing a similar plugin, and although I didn't find out why, I did manage to work around it:我在实现一个类似的插件时遇到了同样的问题,虽然我没有找到原因,但我确实设法解决了这个问题:

// SettingsExtensions.kt

import org.gradle.api.Action
import org.gradle.api.initialization.Settings
import org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware

/* WORKAROUND: for some reason a type-safe accessor is not generated for the extension,
* even though it is present in the extension container where the plugin is applied.
* This seems to work fine, and the extension methods are only available when the plugin
* is actually applied. */

 * Retrieves the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension]
 * extension.
val Settings.modules: IncludeModulesExtension
    get() =
        (this as ExtensionAware).extensions.getByName("modules") as IncludeModulesExtension

 * Configures the [modules][IncludeModulesExtension] extension.
fun Settings.modules(configure: Action<IncludeModulesExtension>): Unit =
    (this as ExtensionAware).extensions.configure("modules",

As the comment explains, it behaves exactly the same as a generated type-safe accessor (same syntax and the extension is only available when the plugin is actually applied).正如评论所解释的,它的行为与生成的类型安全访问器完全相同(相同的语法和扩展仅在实际应用插件时可用)。

I didn't test if it works for the Groovy DSL, but since the extension methods are syntactically identical to the generated accessors, I assume it does.我没有测试它是否适用于 Groovy DSL,但由于扩展方法在语法上与生成的访问器相同,我认为它可以。

Alternatively you can do without if instead of the modules DSL you do this in the settings script where the plugin is applied:或者,如果您在应用插件的设置脚本中执行此操作,而不是modules DSL,则可以这样做:

configure<IncludeModulesExtension> {

This also works because even though the type-safe accessor is not generated, the extension is properly initialized and added to the extensions container.这也有效,因为即使没有生成类型安全的访问器,扩展也会正确初始化并添加到扩展容器中。 But the DSL is obviously nicer.但是DSL显然更好。

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