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如何在 odoo 15 中扩展/继承 form_view.js

[英]How to extend/inherit form_view.js in odoo 15

Am using Odoo15 customized in file web\static\src\js\views\form_view.js as below method:我正在使用在文件 web\static\src\js\views\form_view.js 中定制的 Odoo15,方法如下:


      odoo.define('web.FormRenderingEngine', function (require) {

       "use strict";

       process_group: function($group) {

              // custom Code



Am extending this file like as mention below:我正在扩展此文件,如下所述:

var FormRenderingEngine = require('web.FormRenderingEngine');

return FormRenderingEngine.extend({

  process_group: function($group) {   // custom Code



.extend or include doesn't work. .extend 或 include 不起作用。

please anyone help me to resolve this.请任何人帮我解决这个问题。

If you look in the console log you will see the following error message:如果您查看控制台日志,您将看到以下错误消息:

Uncaught SyntaxError: functions cannot be labelled

It is related to form_view.js script.它与form_view.js脚本有关。 To create a new form renderer, you can extend the basic renderer or the form renderer like they did with the product configurator要创建新的表单渲染器,您可以像使用产品配置器一样扩展基本渲染器或表单渲染器

Example: (extending the basic renderer)示例:(扩展基本渲染器)

odoo.define('web.FormRenderingEngine', function (require) {

"use strict";
var BasicRenderer = require('web.BasicRenderer');

var FormRenderingEngine = BasicRenderer.extend({
    process_group: function($group) {
        // custom Code

return FormRenderingEngine;

In the FormRenderingEngine , you have a syntax error:FormRenderingEngine中,您有一个语法错误:

Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

It should end with });它应该以});

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