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[英]Display Correct Radio Button Value Not Working with Default Checked Option?

Problem: Default checked radio button value shows on app, but if I change the tip value, then unselect and reselect a checkbox, it goes back to the original checked radio button value instead of changing to the new tip value.问题:应用程序上显示默认选中的单选按钮值,但如果我更改提示值,然后取消选择并重新选择复选框,它会返回到原始选中的单选按钮值,而不是更改为新的提示值。

Basicaly, my default radio checked button value is set to $5 .基本上,我的默认单选按钮值设置为$5 If I select a checkbox option, then I change the tip value to $2 then unselect a checkbox, then reselect a checkbox, it will show the tip value as $5 instead of the new option $2如果我选择了一个复选框选项,那么我将提示值更改为$2然后取消选择一个复选框,然后重新选择一个复选框,它将提示值显示为$5而不是新选项$2

Here's my codepen.这是我的代码笔。 I added instructions on the codepen so you can see my problem我在 codepen 上添加了说明,这样你就可以看到我的问题

https://codepen.io/jaysomo10/pen/dydaKwZ https://codepen.io/jaysomo10/pen/dydaKwZ

Here's my JS这是我的 JS

window.menuItems = 0;
window.tips = 0;

const foodTotal = document.getElementById("price");
const tipTotal = document.getElementById("tip");
const orderTotal = document.getElementById("total");

let tipVal = document.querySelector(".tips:checked").value;

tipTotal.textContent = "$" + (tipVal / 100).toFixed(2);

document.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
  if (target.className === "food" && target.checked && tipVal) {
    window.menuItems += parseInt(target.value);
    window.tips = tipVal;
  } else if (target.className === "food" && !target.checked) {
    window.menuItems -= parseInt(target.value);
  } else if (target.className === "tips" && target.checked) {
    window.tips = parseInt(target.value);
  } else {

  foodTotal.textContent = `$${(window.menuItems / 100).toFixed(2)}`;
  tipTotal.textContent = `$${(window.tips / 100).toFixed(2)}`;
  orderTotal.textContent = `$${(
    (Number(window.menuItems) + Number(window.tips)) /

I can't seem to convert the logic to make the tip value to change after I unselect & re select a checkbox option.在我取消选择并重新选择复选框选项后,我似乎无法转换逻辑以更改提示值。

tipVal is defined outside the click event. tipVal 是在点击事件之外定义的。 So it has always the value at the sart.因此,它始终具有 sart 的价值。 You have to changhe it also inside the event您还必须在活动中更改它

window.menuItems = 0;
window.tips = 0;

const foodTotal = document.getElementById("price");
const tipTotal = document.getElementById("tip");
const orderTotal = document.getElementById("total");

let tipVal = document.querySelector(".tips:checked").value;
tipTotal.textContent = "$" + (tipVal / 100).toFixed(2);

document.addEventListener("click", ({ target }) => {
  tipVal = document.querySelector(".tips:checked").value;
  if (target.className === "food" && target.checked && tipVal) {
    window.menuItems += parseInt(target.value);
    window.tips = tipVal;
  } else if (target.className === "food" && !target.checked) {
    window.menuItems -= parseInt(target.value);
  } else if (target.className === "tips" && target.checked) {
    window.tips = parseInt(target.value);
  } else {

  foodTotal.textContent = `$${(window.menuItems / 100).toFixed(2)}`;
  tipTotal.textContent = `$${(window.tips / 100).toFixed(2)}`;
  orderTotal.textContent = `$${(
    (Number(window.menuItems) + Number(window.tips)) /

remove this from your first if statement从你的第一个 if 语句中删除它

if (target.className === "food" && target.checked && tipVal) {
    window.menuItems += parseInt(target.value);
    //window.tips = tipVal; // remove this

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