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可移植可执行格式中的 rva 和基地址是什么?

[英]What is the rva and base address in the portable executable format?

I need help to understand these concepts.我需要帮助来理解这些概念。 I understand that the rva is an offset from the base address.我知道 rva 是基地址的偏移量。 But Its relative to what in a file?但它与文件中的内容有关吗? I understood it was from where the image will be loaded in memory, but in the executable file itself, an rva is relative to what?我知道它是从内存中加载图像的位置,但是在可执行文件本身中,rva 与什么相关? The beggining of the file, so the file Id at the start?文件的开头,所以文件的ID在开始? Thanks for reading :)谢谢阅读 :)

Yes, usually from the start of the file.是的,通常从文件的开头开始。 There are probably a couple of exceptions when you get deeper into specific parts of a file.当您深入了解文件的特定部分时,可能会有一些例外情况。 You will generally find them when reading the documentation:您通常会在阅读文档时找到它们:


The offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA structure to the MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY structures in this MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK.从 MESSAGE_RESOURCE_DATA 结构的开头到此 MESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK 中的 MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY 结构的偏移量(以字节为单位) The MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY structures contain the message strings. MESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY 结构包含消息字符串。

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