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[英]Delete an element containing a specific letter from an array

I have array like this.我有这样的数组。

const cntry = ['Albania', 'Bolivia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'Ethiopia', 'Finland', 'Germany', 'Hungary', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Ireland'];

I want to delete elements that contain the word "land" from this array but since I am studying "for loop" i want to remove it using only the "for" method.我想从此数组中删除包含单词“land”的元素,但由于我正在研究“for 循环”,我只想使用“for”方法将其删除。

I tried this code but it didn't work.我试过这段代码,但没有用。 "Ireland" is still in the array. “爱尔兰”仍在阵中。 where did I go wrong?我go哪里错了?

    for (let i = 0; i < cntry.length; i++) {
    if (cntry[i].includes('land')) {
        cntry.splice(i, 1);

Output: Output:

(9) ['Albania', 'Bolivia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'Ethiopia', 'Germany', 'Hungary', 'Turkey', 'Ireland']

You're mutating cntry as you for loop it.你正在改变cntry因为你for循环它。 This breaks the increment/index relationship of all the remaining elements as soon as you remove an element from the array.一旦从数组中删除一个元素,这就会破坏所有剩余元素的增量/索引关系。 So instead, reverse the loop—start from the end of the array and work toward the start:因此,相反,反转循环 - 从数组的末尾开始并朝着开始工作:

 const cntry = ['Albania', 'Bolivia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'Ethiopia', 'Finland', 'Germany', 'Hungary', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Ireland']; // start with the length of array minus 1 // decrement i by 1 after each loop // leave loop when i is less than 0 for (let i = cntry.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cntry[i].includes('land')) { cntry.splice(i, 1); } } console.log(cntry);

Now when you remove an element, the preceding indexes still correspond to your current increment value.现在,当您删除一个元素时,前面的索引仍然对应于您当前的增量值。

Elaborating on: for (let i = cntry.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)详细说明: for (let i = cntry.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)

In your for loop, set increment variable i to the length of the array minus 1. Since arrays are zero indexed, meaning the first element is indexed 0 , you'll need to start your increment at the length of the array minus 1. There are 11 elements in your array so the last element is indexed 10 .在您的 for 循环中,将增量变量i设置为数组的长度减 1。由于 arrays 的索引为零,这意味着第一个元素的索引为0 ,因此您需要从数组的长度减去 1 开始增量。那里数组中有 11 个元素,因此最后一个元素的索引为10

let i = cntry.length - 1;

Then allow loop while i is greater to or equal to >= 0. In other words, leave the loop when i is less than zero:然后在i大于或等于>= 0 时允许循环。换句话说,当i小于零时离开循环:

i >= 0;

And finally, decrement i .最后, decrement i The for loop increment change happens after the loop block has been evaluated and before the next iteration. for 循环增量变化发生在循环块被评估之后和下一次迭代之前。


In the "real world" you'd use a loop construct that is well suited to the block of code you wish to evaluate.在“现实世界”中,您会使用非常适合您希望评估的代码块的循环结构。 Since you are mutating the array it would be more suitable to forEach loop since it does not depend on maintaining an increment/index relationship.由于您正在改变数组,因此它更适合forEach循环,因为它不依赖于维护增量/索引关系。 Maybe that's the purpose of your homework assignment, to show you when a for loop is not appropriate.也许这就是你布置家庭作业的目的,告诉你什么时候 for 循环不合适。

You can filter your list because when you use slice you are overwriting the original array:您可以filter您的列表,因为当您使用slice时,您将覆盖原始数组:

const countryList = ['Albania', 'Bolivia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'Ethiopia', 'Finland', 'Germany', 'Hungary', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Ireland']
const filter = 'land'
const filteredList = []

for (const country of countryList) {
  if (!country.includes(filter)) {

There is already a better answer that utilizes the existing array but here is an alternative solution.已经有一个利用现有数组的更好答案,但这里有一个替代解决方案。

 const cntry = ['Albania', 'Bolivia', 'Canada', 'Denmark', 'Ethiopia', 'Finland', 'Germany', 'Hungary', 'Turkey', 'Iceland', 'Ireland']; const newArray = []; // new target array for countries that don't have 'land' in the name // looping through the cntry array for (let i = 0; i < cntry.length; i++) { // checking to see if the current country in the loop iteration doesn't include 'land' - if false then push that country to the array => newArray if (.cntry[i].includes('land')) { newArray;push(cntry[i]). } } console;log(newArray);

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