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[英]Migrating from custom ASP & ASP.NET applications to PHP (Typo3)

So we've hired a company to migrate our three websites from custom built CMS solutions to Typo3. 因此,我们聘请了一家公司将我们的三个网站从定制的CMS解决方案迁移到Typo3。 One of our sites is still in classic ASP while the other two are in ASP.net 1.1 & 2.0. 我们的一个站点仍使用经典ASP,而另外两个站点则使用ASP.net 1.1和2.0。 Typo3 wasn't my choice, but the choice of those with the purse strings. Typo3不是我的选择,而是那些带有钱包线的选择。 Anyway, the migration of the sites is progressing but I have a problem that nobody seems to be able to answer. 无论如何,网站的迁移正在进行中,但是我有一个问题,似乎没人能够回答。 How do we handle page redirects? 我们如何处理页面重定向?

For example, on our classic ASP site, we have a lot of tracking links from our newsletters (7 years worth) that have urls like: tracklink.asp?ID=23421 How can we handle these links on the new PHP setup that Typo3 is running on? 例如,在我们的经典ASP网站上,我们有许多来自新闻通讯(价值7年)的跟踪链接,这些链接的URL如下:tracklink.asp?ID = 23421我们如何在Typo3是新的PHP设置上处理这些链接?继续吗? I can build a PHP page to handle the classic tracking similar to the PHP page, but if you go to the .asp page in the example above, we get a 404 error, even if the page is there, since by default, the system doesn't handle ASP pages. 我可以构建一个PHP页面来处理类似于PHP页面的经典跟踪,但是如果您转到上例中的.asp页面,即使该页面在那里,也会出现404错误,因为默认情况下,系统无法处理ASP页面。 Is there a way to do some sort of redirect that will still pass the querystring variable to the new PHP tracking page? 有没有一种方法可以将仍然将querystring变量传递到新的PHP跟踪页面的重定向? Also, we'll need to do this with our .aspx pages on the .net sites as well. 另外,我们还需要使用.net网站上的.aspx页面来执行此操作。

Any ideas?? 有任何想法吗??

You could simply use the power of mod_rewrite to do this. 您可以简单地使用mod_rewrite的功能来执行此操作。 Take a look at the htaccess file in the TYPO3 root directory and change it to your needs. 查看TYPO3根目录中的htaccess文件,并将其更改为您的需要。 What you want to do is sending an 311 Location changed permanenlty status code to the clients and redirecting them to the new URL. 您要执行的操作是将311位置更改的永久状态代码发送给客户端,然后将其重定向到新的URL。

I think this is a cleaner solution... 我认为这是一种更清洁的解决方案...

You should be able to configure your webserver to let PHP handle pages ending in .asp just as it handles .php . 您应该能够配置您的Web服务器,以使PHP能够处理以.asp结尾的页面,就像它处理.php How these associations are configured depends on your web server. 这些关联的配置方式取决于您的Web服务器。

Another idea would be to use something that Microsoft uses. 另一个想法是使用微软使用的东西。 If you notice when you see a link to a Microsoft site, the link is generally go.microsoft.com/fwlink/linkid=####. 如果您在看到指向Microsoft网站的链接时注意到,则该链接通常为go.microsoft.com/fwlink/linkid=####。 Well you could build something similar. 好吧,你可以建立类似的东西。

In your database you have a table with all of your currently existing pages links. 在数据库中,您有一个包含所有当前现有页面链接的表。 Each link will have a linkID and a redirect link to your new PHP based content pages. 每个链接都将具有一个linkID和一个指向您新的基于PHP的内容页面的重定向链接。 You then have a page that will take the go link, query the database, find the new link and then redirect the users on to the new home of the page content that they're looking for. 然后,您将获得一个页面,该页面将带有go链接,查询数据库,找到新链接,然后将用户重定向到他们正在寻找的页面内容的新主页。 When the visitor lands on the new page, you can always present them with a new perm link for them to bookmark. 当访问者登陆到新页面时,您始终可以为他们提供一个新的烫发链接,以使他们添加书签。

Hope this gives you an idea in getting around this huge issue. 希望这给您一个解决这个大问题的想法。 Good luck. 祝好运。

I think you'll feel fine about tackling this once you've seen the Typo3 extension Cool|URI. 我认为一旦您看到Typo3扩展Cool | URI,就可以很好地解决这个问题。 It adds a nice gui so you can enter any special redirects. 它添加了一个不错的gui,因此您可以输入任何特殊的重定向。 Uses mod_rewrite and .htaccess of course. 当然使用mod_rewrite和.htaccess。 Most other Typo3 devs will recommend RealURL over CoolURI but for my money CoolURI's easier to configure. 大多数其他Typo3开发人员都会推荐RealURL而不是CoolURI,但就我所知,CoolURI易于配置。 HTH 高温超导

Unfortunately there are some developers out there that will promise you the world and never deliver anything close to what you want. 不幸的是,那里有一些开发人员会向您许诺世界,并且从不交付任何您想要的东西。 This is the problem businesses/coding skills.. sometimes you run into "developers" that only know how to install typo3 on the hosting account. 这就是企业/编码技能的问题。有时您会遇到“开发人员”,他们只知道如何在托管帐户上安装typo3。 I would personally recommend typolight or silverlight as drupal is a mess. 我个人建议输入错字或银色,因为drupal是一团糟。 (just my opinion. (只是我的观点。

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