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[英]MyBatis mapping nest pojo of fundamental type

I have a POJO of type:我有一个 POJO 类型:


int id;
int name;
List<Date> Dates;


Now my POJO is broken into two tables x and y, where y have dates and x have name, which are joined over the id as below:现在我的 POJO 分为两个表 x 和 y,其中 y 有日期,x 有名称,它们通过 id 连接,如下所示:

select * from x
join y on x.id = y.id

Further now I want to select from mybatis mapper and map it to the given pojo.现在我想从 mybatis 映射器中选择并将其映射到给定的 pojo。 I am getting issue in mapping the Dates.我在映射日期时遇到问题。

    <resultMap id="pojo" type="Pojo">
    <result property="id" column="id" javaType="Integer"/>
    <result property="name" column="name" javaType="String"/>
    <result property="Dates" column="date" javaType="ArrayList" typeHandler="org.apache.ibatis.type.DateTypeHandler"/>

I tried using collection but I don't have any property within the Dates.我尝试使用集合,但日期中没有任何属性。 How to populate the dates field ?如何填充日期字段?

<collection property="Dates" ofType="java.util.Date">
            <result column="date" />

This worked这有效

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