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[英]How to make my navigation responsive menu

Hello dear StackOverflow community,你好亲爱的 StackOverflow 社区,

I've been struggling with how to learn to make the navigation responsive by using media query my intention was to make the navigation menu turn to a vertical style with the navbar.我一直在努力学习如何通过使用媒体查询来使导航响应,我的意图是使导航菜单变成带有导航栏的垂直样式。 Could you also please provide me with the particular rule that transforms the nav menu from horizontal to vertical?您能否向我提供将导航菜单从水平转换为垂直的特定规则?

Thank you in advance先感谢您



You'll want two navs to start, a horz and vert.您将需要两个导航开始,一个 horz 和一个 vert。 Use the media queries to display one or the other.使用媒体查询来显示一个或另一个。

Once that is working, backup the code (or commit if using git), then refactor both navs into one.一旦工作正常,备份代码(如果使用 git,则提交),然后将两个导航重构为一个。

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