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我如何编写我的 python 代码,以便对 .txt 文件中的数字求和?

[英]How can i write my python code so that it sums the numbers from a .txt file?

yeah so i have been working on this for hours and i can't get it to work.是的,所以我已经为此工作了几个小时,但我无法让它工作。 Sob story aside here is my code除了这里的悲伤故事是我的代码

numbers_file = open('numbers.txt', 'r')


for line in numbers_file():

I left the "#print(numbers_file.read())" in there just to show my thinking.我把“#print(numbers_file.read())”留在那里只是为了展示我的想法。

Any input on how i can do this would be very nice.关于我如何做到这一点的任何输入都会非常好。



print(sum(map(float, open('numbers.txt').read().split())))


import pathlib
import math
print(math.fsum(map(float, pathlib.Path('numbers.txt').read_text().split())))

Both TextIOWrapper.read and Path.read_text return the contents of the file as a string.TextIOWrapper.readPath.read_text都将文件的内容作为字符串返回。 str.split split the string according to any whitespace. str.split根据任何空格分割字符串。 map applies a function float to every word. map将函数float应用于每个单词。 sum computes the total. sum计算总数。 The second version is more pedantic.第二个版本更加迂腐。 It closes the file and uses an accurate floating point sum.它关闭文件并使用准确的浮点和。

Here is a simple solution that will work as long as the file contains only numbers (integers or floats), separated by whitespace (including newlines).这是一个简单的解决方案,只要文件包含数字(整数或浮点数),用空格分隔(包括换行符),它就可以工作。 (It's good practice to open files with a context manager, ie, the with ... as part, as it closes the file automatically.) (最好使用上下文管理器打开文件,即with ... as一部分,因为它会自动关闭文件。)

total = 0

with open('numbers.txt', mode='r') as numbers_file:
    for number in numbers_file.read().split():
        total += float(number)



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